Hey don't make him do that, let him make the Burner a slave and alow him to make exact copies cds and stuff. Id say check the cable you have inserted into the cd rom drive now, if your belt/ide has a slave plug then that will go into the bottom drive, ----make sure your jumpers are set right, (jumpers are little clips on the back of the drives, there should be a little picture next to them telling you what posistion they should be in. CS-Cable select , allows the drive to be recognised by what plug they are attatched to n the ide belt. M* mater, will be the master drive and will the drive used most often, as well as your bootable drive, and SL-Slave second cd-drive, non bootable -will still play cds dvds and such, is just labled secondary.
any ways, how big is your power supply--- if you have a 250 watt or bigger you will be fine, get the splitter. I ran cdrom/DVD rw, floppy, card reader, hard drive, 2 80 MM led fans, and a CC on a 250 watt PSU and it worked fine.