I understand that there is no Mac snapshot viewer. But, is there a place
where I can get the format of the .SNP file so that I can try to write
one? There is an Access mailing label distribution that requires the
snapshot viewer and the labels are unavailable to those with Macs.
Please don't respond with "use .PDF." Quite simply, .PDF doesn't work. I
have tried everything under the sun (including hiring a contract
programmer) to get the mailing labels in the proper format using every .PDF
writer imagineable, and the format did not work. The labels were NEVER in
the right place and NEVER lined up correctly. (I used 995PDF, EasyPDF,
and, yes, even Adobe Acrobat with the same results). However, Snapshot
viewer works great for the distribution, but the recipient must have a PC.
Any ideas?
where I can get the format of the .SNP file so that I can try to write
one? There is an Access mailing label distribution that requires the
snapshot viewer and the labels are unavailable to those with Macs.
Please don't respond with "use .PDF." Quite simply, .PDF doesn't work. I
have tried everything under the sun (including hiring a contract
programmer) to get the mailing labels in the proper format using every .PDF
writer imagineable, and the format did not work. The labels were NEVER in
the right place and NEVER lined up correctly. (I used 995PDF, EasyPDF,
and, yes, even Adobe Acrobat with the same results). However, Snapshot
viewer works great for the distribution, but the recipient must have a PC.
Any ideas?