No Logon Window On Startup



When I turn on my Windows XP Professional workstation it starts up and takes me right to my desktop.

I have access to file shares on the server, but I do not get a network logon screen. The server and the workstation both use the workgroup, but neither is part of a domain.

Everybody else in the office does get a logon window and they seem to be configured the same as mine.

Any ideas???

Scott M.

If you are not part of the domain, then the only thing that there would be
to log on to is the local computer itself. To enable/disable how you log on
locally, go to control panel and click Users, then "Change the way users log
on to this machine".

Mark Wilson said:
When I turn on my Windows XP Professional workstation it starts up and takes me right to my desktop.

I have access to file shares on the server, but I do not get a network
logon screen. The server and the workstation both use the workgroup, but
neither is part of a domain.

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