No items appearing search folders



I am having a problem where I have set up some search folder to display all
emails in my inbox for certain months, for example I want to view emails in
my inbox for July and August.

Therefore I have setup two search folders, custom criteria, received email
between 01/07/2007 and 31/07/2007 and repeated the same for the August.

However no items appear in either folder. If I change the criteria to
display emails from previous week, previous day, previous 7 days - that is

If I expand the folders to include the inbox subfolders then that works

I currently run my Outlook 2003 in a MS Exchange 2003 environment and I have
cache exchange disabled. If I enable cache exchange then I can get the search
folders to work the way I want them to.

Any ideas?

Many thanks

Vince Averello [MVP-Outlook]

Do items that match that criteria exist in the Inbox? They might have been
auto-archived to another PST file


Thanks for replying so quickly Vince!

Yes the files do exist in my inbox and auto archiving is switched off.

I have tested the following:

1) Copied emails covering July and August from inbox to another folder and
called it TEST
2) Then created a search folder looking for items between 01/08/2007 and
31/08/2007 searching the TEST folder only

The result was that it was able to display items ok.

The problem appears to be with my inbox. Do you know if the permissions
impact the search folders? It is set to "default" and permission is set to

Many thanks

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