I have posted earlier about receiving a "Page cannot be
displayed" message. I cleaned up the temp internet files
and cookies. I also tried "repair" on the wireless
network connection. For a short time I was able to reach
the internet on one of the four members we have set up.
I still receive the messgage "Could not open the search
page" now.
While running the repair under my login is said "Net
repair failed during the following step "Renewing IP
address". I am getting a new driver from Linksys for the
wireless adapter and will install that one tonight. But
since I was able to get to the internet at times, I am not
sure if that is the problem.
Any advice on what to do? Thanks much.
displayed" message. I cleaned up the temp internet files
and cookies. I also tried "repair" on the wireless
network connection. For a short time I was able to reach
the internet on one of the four members we have set up.
I still receive the messgage "Could not open the search
page" now.
While running the repair under my login is said "Net
repair failed during the following step "Renewing IP
address". I am getting a new driver from Linksys for the
wireless adapter and will install that one tonight. But
since I was able to get to the internet at times, I am not
sure if that is the problem.
Any advice on what to do? Thanks much.