Anil Gupte
I have the following class that I am using to manage my database
interactions. I disconnected my PC from the Net (disabled my connection in
Network properties). Interestingly the call to Function SetDBconnect
worked - even though I was not connected to the IP address. However, the
ConnL3Producer.Open() failed with an exception. Any ideas why? Am I doing
something wrong?
By the way, any suggestions on a better way to do what I am doing in this
class are also welcome. Also, I am also lokoing for a clean and simple way
to check if an internet connection exists.
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class DB
Dim ConnStrL3Producer As String
Dim ConnL3Producer As New OleDbConnection
Public Function SetDBConnect()
Catalog=L3;Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto
Translate=True;Persist Security Info=True;Provider="SQLOLEDB.1";Workstation
ID=AUM;Use Encryption for Data=False;Packet Size=4096
ConnStrL3Producer = "User ID=xxxx;Tag with column collation when
possible=False;Data Source=" & Chr(34) & "" & Chr(34) &
ConnStrL3Producer = ConnStrL3Producer & "Initial Catalog=L3;Use
Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Persist Security
ConnStrL3Producer = ConnStrL3Producer & Chr(34) & "SQLOLEDB.1" &
Chr(34) & ";Workstation ID=AUM;Use Encryption for Data=False;Packet
ConnL3Producer = New OleDbConnection(ConnStrL3Producer)
Catch ex As Exception
Dim strErrMesg As String
strErrMesg = "Caught this Error: " & ex.ToString() & "
Description: " & ex.Message()
MsgBox(strErrMesg, MsgBoxStyle.OKOnly, "Blimey!")
End Try
'Return ConnL3Producer
End Function
Public Function GetRecords(ByVal strSelect)
Dim cmdInit As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand(strSelect)
cmdInit.Connection = ConnL3Producer
If Not ConnL3Producer.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
End If
Dim OleDbAdapterRec As New OleDbDataAdapter
OleDbAdapterRec.SelectCommand = cmdInit
'Dim DataSetInit As New DataSet
Dim DSet As New DataSet("DataSetInit")
OleDbAdapterRec.Fill(DSet, "Transactions")
Return DSet
End Function
End Class
interactions. I disconnected my PC from the Net (disabled my connection in
Network properties). Interestingly the call to Function SetDBconnect
worked - even though I was not connected to the IP address. However, the
ConnL3Producer.Open() failed with an exception. Any ideas why? Am I doing
something wrong?
By the way, any suggestions on a better way to do what I am doing in this
class are also welcome. Also, I am also lokoing for a clean and simple way
to check if an internet connection exists.
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class DB
Dim ConnStrL3Producer As String
Dim ConnL3Producer As New OleDbConnection
Public Function SetDBConnect()
Catalog=L3;Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto
Translate=True;Persist Security Info=True;Provider="SQLOLEDB.1";Workstation
ID=AUM;Use Encryption for Data=False;Packet Size=4096
ConnStrL3Producer = "User ID=xxxx;Tag with column collation when
possible=False;Data Source=" & Chr(34) & "" & Chr(34) &
ConnStrL3Producer = ConnStrL3Producer & "Initial Catalog=L3;Use
Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Persist Security
ConnStrL3Producer = ConnStrL3Producer & Chr(34) & "SQLOLEDB.1" &
Chr(34) & ";Workstation ID=AUM;Use Encryption for Data=False;Packet
ConnL3Producer = New OleDbConnection(ConnStrL3Producer)
Catch ex As Exception
Dim strErrMesg As String
strErrMesg = "Caught this Error: " & ex.ToString() & "
Description: " & ex.Message()
MsgBox(strErrMesg, MsgBoxStyle.OKOnly, "Blimey!")
End Try
'Return ConnL3Producer
End Function
Public Function GetRecords(ByVal strSelect)
Dim cmdInit As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand(strSelect)
cmdInit.Connection = ConnL3Producer
If Not ConnL3Producer.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
End If
Dim OleDbAdapterRec As New OleDbDataAdapter
OleDbAdapterRec.SelectCommand = cmdInit
'Dim DataSetInit As New DataSet
Dim DSet As New DataSet("DataSetInit")
OleDbAdapterRec.Fill(DSet, "Transactions")
Return DSet
End Function
End Class