no games work

  • Thread starter Thread starter jer
  • Start date Start date


I own windows xp home, and none of my games work, not only
that not a damn program works. **** you bill gates.
can you help?
Not after a post like that.
Hint, it's highly unlikely that Bill Gates reads this newsgroup.
If you would care to post back with specific information, such as which
games, what the error is you're seeing, which account you're attempting to
run the games from, etc., and in a polite manner, we'll try to assist you.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

jer said:
I own windows xp home, and none of my games work
Its not Windows XP. Its your system. If you want some
help, be civil and ask. If you smarten up and post some
information as to whats going on, someone will be glad to
help you. Otherwise, hit your system with a hammer several
dozen times, then buy a new one.