no drivers for mass storage device

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I'm having problems with 2 of my computers recognizing USB mass storage
devices. They used to work just fine but not any more. When I plug them in
(I've tried my Palm - have program to recognize it as a drive - and a new
card reader and my camera) I get a message that new hardware is found (mass
storage device) but then it takes me to the Found New Hardware Wizard and
none of the choices I select (Install Automatically, search web, etc) find
any drivers. The crazy thing is, though, that when it did work, the first
time I plugged them in the Found New Hardware Wizard didn't come up but it
installed what it needed automatically. I'm thinking there is a corrupt
driver and was wondering if there was a way to get just that driver back
without reinstalling Windows. Also, what's strange is that two of my
computers work this way. My one (other) computer accepts everything just
fine. If there is a specific driver file I need, could you please tell me
what it is called. I could probably copy it from the computer that works.
what you should do is try to restore your pc to previous status when your
mass device used to
get installed without problem. Have you made any change in your pc
configuration lately ??


"Tirone" <[email protected]> escribió en el mensaje
I'm having problems with 2 of my computers recognizing USB mass storage
devices. They used to work just fine but not any more. When I plug them in
(I've tried my Palm - have program to recognize it as a drive - and a new
card reader and my camera) I get a message that new hardware is found (mass
storage device) but then it takes me to the Found New Hardware Wizard and
none of the choices I select (Install Automatically, search web, etc) find
any drivers. The crazy thing is, though, that when it did work, the first
time I plugged them in the Found New Hardware Wizard didn't come up but it
installed what it needed automatically. I'm thinking there is a corrupt
driver and was wondering if there was a way to get just that driver back
without reinstalling Windows. Also, what's strange is that two of my
computers work this way. My one (other) computer accepts everything just
fine. If there is a specific driver file I need, could you please tell me
what it is called. I could probably copy it from the computer that works.
Why don't you look in device manager on the computer that is working to see
what device drivers are used. The compare that to the computers that don't


Richard Urban

If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!
I have made many changes since it worked. I didn't notice when it quite
working because I didn't try for quite awhile.
I checked in device manager on computer that is working and it is listed
under a mass storage device under universal serial bus controllers and the
device driver is usbstor.sys. The file usbstor.sys is on the other computers
but when I check under the device manager the device is listed as an unknown
device (with a question mark) and no drivers, but when I try to install the
drivers I come to the same place as I do when I first plug it in. I cannot
manually install the drivers or make it recognize usbstor.sys as the driver.
Is there some setting in the registry that would fix this?
I've done this countless times. I've tried my USB 2 ports and USB 1 ports and
as many different configurations imaginable (even removing all other USB
As far as unistalling the unknown USB devices, like I said, I've tried that
numerous times. I tried unassigning all network drives and that was
completely unsuccessful also. This about a bios update, would the bios be
affected by just a single type of device (usb mass storage device)? My other
usb devices work fine - scanner, cd drive, Palm hotsync (that's different
than my card reader, but the same device), my camera is recognized as a
camera but not as a disk drive. And the devices in question used to work
without updating the bios.
The report is too long to post here. What part is important? I can't
understand the report. One thing I would like to stress is that the devices
worked at one time so why would I have to update the chipset drivers?
People consider me to be a computer expert but when it comes to chipset
drivers and bios, etc, I'm stumped. What exactly are chipset drivers? Are
they the root drivers that run something on a computer (usb port, serial
port, etc)? If your wondering at all if the usb port works at all, yes it
does. It works just fine for everything (that I'm concerned about) except the
mass storage devices. It isn't the media card reader that doesn't work
because it (they) work on every other computer I've tried (its just the two
computers that I know of that they don't work). Which card reader do you need
the info for. I have 3 or 4 of them. The only one I have with me here is my
Palm Tungsten E.

Concerning the Everest report, I think you're expecting my device to show up
there. That is the problem I am having. Windows does NOT recognize it at all.
That is why it wants to install it every time I plug it in.

I suppose when I have a bit of time, I will just restore my computer back to
the way it came from the factory. The problem I don't like about that is I
have to reinstall all my software.
Try disabling the PCI to USB enhanced controller. I have done this and I can
now see my flash drives, albeit at 1.1 speeds. I would be interested to see
if the same happens in your case. Please reply either way.

Dave S

Tirone said:
People consider me to be a computer expert but when it comes to chipset
drivers and bios, etc, I'm stumped. What exactly are chipset drivers? Are
they the root drivers that run something on a computer (usb port, serial
port, etc)? If your wondering at all if the usb port works at all, yes it
does. It works just fine for everything (that I'm concerned about) except the
mass storage devices. It isn't the media card reader that doesn't work
because it (they) work on every other computer I've tried (its just the two
computers that I know of that they don't work). Which card reader do you need
the info for. I have 3 or 4 of them. The only one I have with me here is my
Palm Tungsten E.

Concerning the Everest report, I think you're expecting my device to show up
there. That is the problem I am having. Windows does NOT recognize it at all.
That is why it wants to install it every time I plug it in.

I suppose when I have a bit of time, I will just restore my computer back to
the way it came from the factory. The problem I don't like about that is I
have to reinstall all my software.