No Downloading w/IE 6 after WXP Upgrade



I just upgraded from Windows 98 SE to Windows XP Home. Now nothing will
download w/IE 6. I have no problem accessing the internet, or visiting
various sites. But every time I try to download something, I get the same
error tha IE can't download XYZ program from ABC site, and requires me to
close the dialog box, which cancels the download.

MS Support says this is an acknowledged problem w/IE 6 users who upgrade to
Windows XP. However, they only have a "hotfix" right now that they charge $35
to get through their charged customer support. I refuse to pay this since
it's a problem they caused, and which they acknowledge, and I already paid
$100 for the stupid XP Upgrade (which has caused more problems than I knew a
computer could have).

The kicker? I need to download about 20 different drivers and patches b/c
nothing on my computer works now b/c of the upgrade to XP. So my computer is
useless until I can download once again.

In the meantime, I'm using Mozilla, but I need to have IE working again b/c
things like critical updates and anti-virus updates automatically run in IE
(even tho I have Mozilla set as my default browser), and these updates always
require downloads. PLEASE HELP!!!

Michael Cecil

I just upgraded from Windows 98 SE to Windows XP Home. Now nothing will
download w/IE 6. I have no problem accessing the internet, or visiting
various sites. But every time I try to download something, I get the same
error tha IE can't download XYZ program from ABC site, and requires me to
close the dialog box, which cancels the download.

MS Support says this is an acknowledged problem w/IE 6 users who upgrade to
Windows XP. However, they only have a "hotfix" right now that they charge $35
to get through their charged customer support. I refuse to pay this since
it's a problem they caused, and which they acknowledge, and I already paid
$100 for the stupid XP Upgrade (which has caused more problems than I knew a
computer could have).

The kicker? I need to download about 20 different drivers and patches b/c
nothing on my computer works now b/c of the upgrade to XP. So my computer is
useless until I can download once again.

In the meantime, I'm using Mozilla, but I need to have IE working again b/c
things like critical updates and anti-virus updates automatically run in IE
(even tho I have Mozilla set as my default browser), and these updates always
require downloads. PLEASE HELP!!!

Well, one thing you could do is to do a clean install of XP. When your
upgrade edition wants to see an earlier version of Windows you can just
show it the old W98 CD. Of course you'll have to reinstall your programs,
address books and data and what not, but the computer won't have various
upgrade problems that you've "grandfathered" into it by doing the upgrade
the other way.

Did they happen to mention a KB article number for your problem?

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