glee said:
Why don't you have the discs that came with the laptop? If you
bought it new, it had to come with restore CDs that would reinstall
Windows and all the extra software, setting it back to the way it
was the day you bought it.
Shenan said:
Not necessarily.
Some OEM systems do not come with any CDs/DVDs, opting to either
have the end-user create them using a built-in application OR they
do not even have that option and a restoration from the hard disk
drive itself is the only option given.
Yes, but we are not talking about *some* OEM, we are referring to
an Acer laptop pre-loaded with XP. They DO supply recovery discs.
If we were discussing a recent Dell laptop, then no, the user would
not be likely to have received a disc.
While that is true - Acer does a mixture of the two.
They have a hidden partition and restoration CD/DVDs. They are used
together in most cases.
And this whole thread had to do with missing individual components - for
which most 'recovery processes' such as these are fairly worthless. They
are often 'all or nothing' propositions. Sure - you can do a
non-destructive restore with a few - but even then - you are not merely
installing one application over - you are restoring images of them all.
If it did come with the CD/DVDs (which I would bet it did in this case) they
were probably tossed in a drawer or thrown out because most users do not
realize their importance. And saying they are unlikely to receive a disk
with a Dell - You can receive a disk with the Dell, you must choose the $10
option to get an actual Windows installation CD --> instead of the whole
recovery process crud.
My point was quite simple - so there would be no misunderstanding later if
the topic was searched for...
Not all OEMs have the same method of recovery. While Acer uses a two method
process (that can be somewhat modified and 'tweaked' into a single method
process of just the CD/DVDs), other OEMs (Sony & HP comes to mind) make you
create the CD/DVDs for the later possibility of a restoration (and only
allow you to do so ONCE in some cases) and still others have nothing but
restoration partitions. My goal was not to debate - but to make clear that
someone reading this not assume that what they might be considering getting
into is the 'same situation' - as they might have a different restoration
As this is far off topic - let me end with something on topic for the OP...
You wanted an easy/free CD/DVD recorder... I recently started using a new
one that has not even made it to the list I sent earlier - although it seems
much more stable/better interface/easy to use...
And yes - it is free!