No devices showing in please

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When I coonnect my iPod it synces properly with iTunes, it also shows
correctly in My Computer.
However, it also prompts an autoplay box to pop up every time. I went to
autoplay in CP thinking I could set it to be ignored. However it is not
showing as a device in autoplay. How can I fix this, so that it shows, or I
stop autoplay running everytime I connect my iPod?
Thank you in advacne,

The issue could be a bug in iPod and or in iTunes, but I don't know for
certain. To explain, iTunes has had Vista compatibility issues from the
inception. Consequently, Apple has been releasing updates regularly to
address these issues, but some problems still remain outstanding. For
example, see the following website:

If your problem is a compatibility issue, then eventually Apple will fix it
with a new
version of iTunes. On the other hand, maybe Apple doesn't intend for its
device to show up there. I just don't know. Just some thoughts, in case you
don't receive a definitive response.