No date assigned to new items in To-do Bar

  • Thread starter Thread starter T
  • Start date Start date


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

It used to be the case that when I created a new task item from the to-
do bar, it would automatically be assigned a Start and Due date of
Today. Now, now date is assigned. I filter out all my no-date items
from the To-do bar and so can't see the new item. Can anyone suggest
how to fix this so it once again assigns Today as the Due and Start

Saying " it used to be that when I ..." and that you want it that way again
without explaining a) what version you have and b) what happened between
when it did work the way you want and "now" is not helping us to help you.

There are tips here on how to post questions:

Judy Gleeson
MVP Outlook
Trainer and Consultant

There are various articles about using Outlook here:
Canberra, Australia
Sorry about that. I'm using Outlook 2007, and the only thing that has
changed prior to the new behavior (no date assigned to To-Do Bar new
tasks) is that I moved from using a local PST to an Exchange Server.

Thanks very much.
I'm having a similar problem. I am using Outlook 2007 but when I try to
create a new item in the To-do Bar, it automatically assigns a due date of
Friday of that week. I would like to change the default due date to be blank
so I can assign the due date that I need every time I enter a new item.

Is there a setting for default task due date?
