This was initially posted on the C# forum and was meant to be cross-posted
Noting first that I'm coming from VS2003 and VB.Net to C# and VS2005 ...
Using an untyped dataset, I create a dataview. When I try to use the Item
property, "Item" does not appear on the Intellisense dropdown and I also get
the build error "'System.Data.DataView' does not containt a definition for
'Item'." The documentation for VS2005 does show Item as a property of a
dataview -- can anyone see the issue?
DataView dvContacts = new DataView(ds.Tables["dtContacts"]);
int intCounter = dvContacts.Count;
for (intCounter = 0; intCounter < -1; intCounter++)
intContactID =
Noting first that I'm coming from VS2003 and VB.Net to C# and VS2005 ...
Using an untyped dataset, I create a dataview. When I try to use the Item
property, "Item" does not appear on the Intellisense dropdown and I also get
the build error "'System.Data.DataView' does not containt a definition for
'Item'." The documentation for VS2005 does show Item as a property of a
dataview -- can anyone see the issue?
DataView dvContacts = new DataView(ds.Tables["dtContacts"]);
int intCounter = dvContacts.Count;
for (intCounter = 0; intCounter < -1; intCounter++)
intContactID =