No Current Record message

  • Thread starter Thread starter Darrell
  • Start date Start date


This message is liable to be fairly long, so bear with me.

I have a main form and subform for entering check
requests and check request details, and am getting a "No
Current Record" message when I populate the main form and
then click or tab into the subform. (No error message is
generated when no data is in the main form).

The main form has code for four events, firing in this
order: OnActivate, OnCurrent, BeforeUpdate, and
AfterInsert. On attempting to isolate the offending code,
I placed breaks on each of these event procedures with
these results: code ran fine through BeforeUpdate, and
the message box popped up when F8 was pressed WHILE
SITTING ON THE END SUB LINE of the BeforeUpdate event,
and the next highlighted line is the PROCEDURE NAME line
of the AfterInsert event. To the best of my knowledge, NO
CODE IS RUNNING when this message box is presented.

I ran across an earlier thread on the newsgroup relating
a mysterious "No Current Record" message generated by a
form/subform combination when deleting records was
attempted. The MVP responding indicated that this was a
known bug in Access 2002 with Service Pak 3 installed. I
am using Access 2000, with Service Pak 3 installed, but
formerly had Access 2003 installed and uninstalled due to
complications of designing for users of Access 2000.
Could this issue apply to my configuration?

That is all the information which is at my fingertips and
which seems to me to be remotely relevant. Can someone
help me?

No current record error message usually occurs when you ask the form (or
subform) to move to a specific record (or to save a current record) and
there is no record to be acted upon.

You don't tell anything about the code that is being run, so that's the best
I can tell you without more info.