No CSS, white background, large font

  • Thread starter Thread starter =?Windows-1252?Q?Roland_M=F6sl?=
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The notebook of a friend has suddenly in MSIE 6 and
Outlook Express a strange behavior

All background is white, even when the website specifies black
All text is black, links in the standard colors
All text larget than in the CSS

I have no idea what is wrong

I did an reset to default at options.

Any idea what could it be
I've the same problem. In fact, I've found that it is
REALLY strange. The Mozilla web browser works perfectly.
I've got three pages that use the same css file, and one of
them shows up and the other two don't. The head chunk of
the message is the same on all three, as well.

Obviously, it's not an issue with the CSS formatting, or
the other page wouldn't work either. It's not going to be
the differences in HTML, because the data is wrapped in the
same template which references the HTML.

This one has me baffled. I've looked at other problems
with I.E., but this almost takes the cake. Any other clues
out there?
