no beep, no video after cpu fan replacement

Dec 8, 2008
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My computer started beeping, one beep followed by several seconds silence, then repeating. I was making coffee and did not rush back to see what was going on. By the time I got back, the computer had shut down.

I had an appointment, so I didn't restart it until I got back. After a min or two, it started the beeping routine again, then shut down. So I removed the cover, restarted it, and the cpu fan wasn't working. Shut it down immediately, but at that time I had video on my monitor.

Replaced the cpu fan with a big honker and restarted. This time the fan ran fine, but no beep, no video.

Is the CPU or mobo likely dead? How to test each without replacement components? TIA

Ubunutu linux 7.04
No AV or Anti Spyware
Fibre Optic I/N connection
AMD 64
Have you made sure that everything is seated correctly have you tried taking the CPU off and seating it again,
Thanks. Had removed everything to see if I could get a beep, and as mentioned replaced the CPU fan, but did not think to reseat the CPU. Have done that now and no change.
Odysseus said:
Thanks. Had removed everything to see if I could get a beep, and as mentioned replaced the CPU fan, but did not think to reseat the CPU. Have done that now and no change.

Have you removed one stick on ram and tested? also try the ram in different slots on the board?
If there is no beep with no ram (nor anything else for that matter), why would putting in one stick of ram be helpful?
Fair enough, but he's just checking as most people that get help on here ain't great with PC's.

To be honest mate it sounds like the fan has died and failing being rescued the CPU has either died or killed the socket on the motherboard or both.

If it doesn't give a flatline beep with no CPU in then the mobo is dead.

Heres what i would do, if you have done any already then skip.

1. Remove the CPU, RAM and Graphics, try starting any lights beeps?
2. Place CPU in only, anything???
3. Place the RAM inn only??
4. Remove the motherboard from the case and rebuild the PC on a box, any joy??

If then barring a miracle i.e. it needs to dispense the charge from the power supply that has built up in the board or waiting for the solder to harden up again on the back of the board then its dead, dead, dead.

I was 99% certain that the last time it booted was literally the last time and you have all pretty much confirmed it. I'll try Waynos Face's list of last ditch resorts, but can't be optimistic.

If, and that appears almost certain, I have to replace it, what suggestions does anyone have about finding a replacement cpu and/or mobo? It is a 64 bit processor, but only a single core.

Does it make sense to try to replace it with the exact same cpu and mobo, or just replace them with a low spec dual core? This computer is used in my apartment in another city just for emailing, browsing, spreadsheets and it doesn't need to be state of the art, so I would like to keep my spend as low as possible, and would welcome your ideas. TIA.

Edit. The green light on the mobo is lit. Does that give me any hope that the mobo might have survived? After all, the CPU must have overheated too much when the fan failed and it surely did not survive, but maybe the mobo did?
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First of all what socket MBO are you using? whats the full make and number off it.
Removed CPU, memory, everything except mobo. No beep when switched on.

Dead? Or does the beep come as a result of the the CPU starting up?

If the latter, what can I tell from removing the CPU except for the green mobo light which was on before I removed the CPU?
Ours crossed. The mobo is a K8M8MSR2 (I believe mfgr is Jetway) and socket 754..

Just noticed that I had not answered the question of paste, and yes, I did apply and spread it evenly and thinly.

FWIW, when I removed the heat sink, it was sufficiently bonded to actually pull the CPU out with it (without releasing the CPU lever, and the paste still had not completely hardened after 24 hours.
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It should flatline beep when the cpu is not present, if you have a green light on the mobo then maybe all is not lost, as its still drawing power, as itsme says whats the make and model, then we can consultthe manual of the lights beeps will be familiar to others on here for similar mobos.

Having said that its often easier and costs less to do a cheap upgrade, at the moment AMD dualcores are so cheap and a motherboard with integrated graphics and 2gb memory won't cost much either, about £110.

either that or get a similar CPU of ebay, max £20 and try that, new fan £10 max.
Odysseus said:
Removed CPU, memory, everything except mobo. No beep when switched on.

Dead? Or does the beep come as a result of the the CPU starting up?

If the latter, what can I tell from removing the CPU except for the green mobo light which was on before I removed the CPU?

It should beep with just the MOBO.
It could be the PSU I doubt it but it could be?
Have a look >>.MOBO >>> CPU>>> RAM

£91.41 inclusive

That’s all you will need to get going.;)

PS and a Graphics card Here PCIe
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Odysseus said:
FWIW, when I removed the heat sink, it was sufficiently bonded to actually pull the CPU out with it (without releasing the CPU lever

Thats your problem
And the grease dosn`t set hard anyways? Its thermal to give a agood contact between CPU and Cooler;)
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£122, abit more than Itsme's offering but you might as well upgrade.

Made that on, most sites have special offers if you check em, especially as we approach Xmas, so you will get it cheaper if you shop around.

Others to check out,

OCUK,, Ebuyer.


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itsme, could you elaborate on what you mean by "that's my problem"? Thanks.

The new cooler fan did run normally while it was still mounted, but of course it doesn't draw much power. G

Going back to the cause of the problem, the old cooler fan had died, so I would expect the problem to be very close to the cooler:

first suspect: CPU which might have overheated too much (clearly it had overheated sufficiently that it shut itself down.)

second: mobo which was in direct contact with CPU. solder may have melted, etc.
Maybe it bent a pin on the wayout or something? i'm not sure. Or maybe too much paste that couldn't dissipate the heat properly?? As i'm sure you know you only need a smidge of paste to eliminate air bubbles. sure is abit strange, so to recap,

You have a different CPU cooler and this spins when you power up the PC? Also you get the green light on the motherboard? and still no beeps without RAM in?

Tres weird.

So yeah either the CPU is shot or one of the controllers on the mobo has then shot itself as it can't bear to live without the CPU, cute really.

So what you gonna do???
Well, I keep hoping it will resurrect itself or maybe itsme will explain what the problem is and I can fix it.