No Auto disconnect in XP pro


Roger K

I've checked the box in the dial-up - setting - advanced. But the dial-up
connection has to be disconnected by right clicking on the icon in the task
bar. Is there another way to bring the pop-up box with disconnect choice in
it back? TIA


In Roger K <[email protected]> had this to say:

My reply is at the bottom of your sent message:
I've checked the box in the dial-up - setting - advanced. But the
dial-up connection has to be disconnected by right clicking on the
icon in the task bar. Is there another way to bring the pop-up box
with disconnect choice in it back? TIA

If I am reading your post correctly...

No, there's no better method to disconnect. Are there alternate methods?
Yes. You can open control panel, click on network settings, right click the
dialup connection and select disconnect. You can create a shortcut to the
desktop and that will have, in it's right click context menu, an option to
disconnect. If you want to disconnect after a certain amount of idle time
you can do that from within the connection's properties by using the drop
down menu box and selecting the amount of time you wish the connection to be
idle before you disconnect it.


Jon Kennedy

1) Open Control Panel/Internet Icon Connection Tab/Advanced Button. Select
the option "Disconnect when connection may no longer be needed" and click

In that same location, select the "Disconnect if idle for" option and set
the value to 59min.
Test the disconnect function. if it works, stop here, if not then continue.

Always back up the registry before using regedit.
Go to start/ Run / type in regedit and press OK. This will open the
registry editor.
Navigate down to the following locations.
(Where <connection> is the default name for the connection you are using)
In the right side window you will see the following 2 Keys.
If either one has the data of 00 00 00 00
Right click the value and select Modify.
Change the data to 01 00 00 00
Select OK and press the F5 key after each change.

Next, go to this location

In the right side window, look for the value:
If this value has the data of 00 00 00 00
Change the data to 01 00 00 00
After you make this change select OK, press the F5 key and quit Registry
Reboot the computer.

(courtesy Ronnie Vernon, MS MVP)

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