no audio in WMM

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This is my first time on this forum. It looks to be excellent, but also
rather grim for me. I'm not a computer person and yet I have stuck about
$2400 in this Media Center computer with the entire purpose to convert my
analogue home videos to DVD. It has Windows Movie Maker already installed and
I was told that it has everything on it that I need in order to do this. That
was back in February. Eight months later and I am still not up and running
with this thing. I have tried the advice of many things suggested in the
forum. I get the feeling that even if I solve the audio problem I'm having,
not being able to capture the audio with my video that is, I'll run into
multiple other problems with all the next steps to come: converting the
signals, burning to DVD, etc. Could somebody give me some encouraging words
and tell me that not everybody has trouble? I've tried every option in the
audio drop down box when I do my recording and have had no luck!!!
Ughh!!!!! I am completely frazzled and obviously discouraged. Any other
ideas with the sound not capturing???

Sorry I can't help with the audio problem but I can certainly give words of
encouragement. I have been using MM (first 1, then 2) for 18 mths or so and
except for one problem which turned out to be due to the setup of my disk, it
has always run absolutely 100% smoothly and has done everything I have asked
of it. To be honest, I often read all these posts and can't help wondering
just how people manage to have so much difficulty!!! I have captured and
edited hundreds of hours of digital video and have imported and edited many
of my old analogue VHS tapes too. All without a hiccup. I can't tell you any
special way that I do things to achieve this, it has just always been that
way - out of the box, it worked first time. I have a reasonably powerful
system but nothing out of the ordinary. I guess I am just fortunate (very,
compared with some people). And I have benefitted from some great advice from
this newsgroup, whenever I had a query on how to do something. It's probably
the most responsive group I have ever come across. So, be encouraged - it is
a great application that gives you fantastic creative opportunities at your
fingertips, in your own home...and best of all, always remember, it is
And in case anybody wonders, no, I have absolutely no interest or
involvement whatsoever with MS or any such bias -I am just an ordinary user.
Some things to be tried:

Can you record from mic in windows Sound Recorder app:
Start > All Programs > Accessories > Entertainment > Sound Recorder

If No then you can ask for help from the place you purchased your PC. It
should still be under warranty.

If yes, then there seems a more elusive problem.

In this case reinstall a few things (no need to uninstall anything):

* Service Pack 2
* DirectX 9c
* Windows Media Encoder

Come back after these.
I sincerely thank you for the encouragement! I'll keep reading from this
awesome forum and try to hang in. I have forked over about $2600 for this
system with the home video editing and copying my sole purpose. I'm not
computer savy, but I know it's got the power to do this no problem. Size and
memory isn't the issue. Thank you again for taking the time to respond.
I just want to add a bit to CW's words of encouragement.

When I started my online involvement with the users of Movie Maker, and then
my website... it was mostly 'problem-solving'. Reading so many posts about
problems can lead one to think that most people are experiencing problems.

At times I try to poll those who don't post to see how they are doing, and
find that most of them are doing well.

At other times I'll be getting ready for a workshop or training session and
approach new or different computers, ones I hadn't used before - with only
30 minutes to go until the session starts. I'm always more than
half-expecting the computers to have a problem running Movie Maker... guess
what, most of them work fine right off the bat.

So, yes... most of the posts are about problems....and a more important
yes... most people and computers are not having problems with Movie Maker.

Movie Maker 2 -
Photo Story 2 -

Okay, I have to admit I'm extremely leary of reinstalling anything. I don't
even know if I have SP2 and what I've read about the problems it causes, I'm
not sure I'd want to install it. I wouldn't know how to begin reinstalling
the items you mentioned. I have checked my sound recorder and it works just
fine. Could you explain what reinstalling these things is going to do for me?
It's a brand new system, I've done nothing with it except get the Norton
Anti-Virus up and going and messed with this Movie Maker. Here are some more
details as to what I've all got and done:

In the WMM Video Capture Wizard, the video capture device listed is
Hauppauge Win TV88x. The Audio device that I have selected is SB Audigy Audio
[A400] (vs the other option which is Modem #1 Line Record)

The Audio Input Source options in the drop down box are:

MIDI Synth
"What u Hear"
CD Digital
Analog Mix (Line/CD/Aux/TAD/PC)

It is these above listed items that I think I've tried everyone and I don't
hear sound with any of them.

I have also gone in My Computer and in Sound and Audio Devices under Volume
it says, "No Audio Device" Nothing else in this box is "live". I couldn't
click on anything even if I wanted to. Under Audio, "Sound Playback" is the
first thing listed. The default device is set to SB Audigy Audio [A400] (vs
the other option which is the Modem #1 Line-In) In Volume, under Audio,
nothing is muted, all volumes are turned up. Under "Sound Recording", I also
have SB Audio [A400] selected. Under Volume > Recording Control, all volumes
are turned up and not muted.

I am plugged into the front of the machine where there are Composite inputs
for video/audio. My camcorder has only one audio (white). I've been told that
it will only record one side since there is not a red connection. I don't
think this is the cause for no sound at all. (I get sound from it if I plug
it in the same way directly to these same Composite inputs on the

Somebody in an earlier post said she changed her settings for Audio in the
Record dialogue box to record Auxillary and Composite and it worked. The only
places I know where to go are what I talked about above. People have also
said in other posts to make sure the sound source is set to Line In. Where do
I do this? If it's in the Audio Input Source that I talked about above, I
don't have an option that says "Auxillary and Composite"

I get sound for anything else on the computer, the bells and dings as you
navigate, in the My TV part of Media Center and playing DVD's, etc. It's only
when I'm in WMM.

One last bit of info on my connections is that the computer is hooked to my
amplifier receiver by a Toslink cable. This is how I'm getting the sound
through my surround sound system in anything, like I said, but the the WMM.
Is it something to do with my connections to the amp?

Does this info help anybody out there to solve this issue??????? Please help!!

Thank you also CW for your words of encouragement. I can't give up on this,
I've got too much money wrapped up in it!

Jenny -
Good idea to give all that details about your settings. Other more
knowledgeable people may come back with more help, but it is possible that
your capture settings need some configuring. If the capture device is
defaulting to the Hauppage (your TV card) then WMM is not seeing the camera
(is it connected and on?). Before you look at or try to tune these settings,
ensure your camera is connected, switched on, and set to VCR or Playback
mode. Then start the capture wizard, and WMM should then see the camera as an
option instead of Hauppage. Then you will be able to adjust the settings if
The inbuilt Help has quite a bit of info on this: open it up, go to
Contents, expand as necessary till u see Using WMM, expand to see Capturing
Video, expand to see Choosing a video & audio capture device.
I would go through all that first to check that the camera is being
recognised properly, and that WMM is correctly configured to receive both the
video and audio from it.
I'm sure there will be more advice, and you should have a look at PapaJohn's
website too:, where there's a wealth of information.
You'll get there!!

jensteff said:
Okay, I have to admit I'm extremely leary of reinstalling anything. I don't
even know if I have SP2 and what I've read about the problems it causes, I'm
not sure I'd want to install it. I wouldn't know how to begin reinstalling
the items you mentioned. I have checked my sound recorder and it works just
fine. Could you explain what reinstalling these things is going to do for me?
It's a brand new system, I've done nothing with it except get the Norton
Anti-Virus up and going and messed with this Movie Maker. Here are some more
details as to what I've all got and done:

In the WMM Video Capture Wizard, the video capture device listed is
Hauppauge Win TV88x. The Audio device that I have selected is SB Audigy Audio
[A400] (vs the other option which is Modem #1 Line Record)

The Audio Input Source options in the drop down box are:

MIDI Synth
"What u Hear"
CD Digital
Analog Mix (Line/CD/Aux/TAD/PC)

It is these above listed items that I think I've tried everyone and I don't
hear sound with any of them.

I have also gone in My Computer and in Sound and Audio Devices under Volume
it says, "No Audio Device" Nothing else in this box is "live". I couldn't
click on anything even if I wanted to. Under Audio, "Sound Playback" is the
first thing listed. The default device is set to SB Audigy Audio [A400] (vs
the other option which is the Modem #1 Line-In) In Volume, under Audio,
nothing is muted, all volumes are turned up. Under "Sound Recording", I also
have SB Audio [A400] selected. Under Volume > Recording Control, all volumes
are turned up and not muted.

I am plugged into the front of the machine where there are Composite inputs
for video/audio. My camcorder has only one audio (white). I've been told that
it will only record one side since there is not a red connection. I don't
think this is the cause for no sound at all. (I get sound from it if I plug
it in the same way directly to these same Composite inputs on the

Somebody in an earlier post said she changed her settings for Audio in the
Record dialogue box to record Auxillary and Composite and it worked. The only
places I know where to go are what I talked about above. People have also
said in other posts to make sure the sound source is set to Line In. Where do
I do this? If it's in the Audio Input Source that I talked about above, I
don't have an option that says "Auxillary and Composite"

I get sound for anything else on the computer, the bells and dings as you
navigate, in the My TV part of Media Center and playing DVD's, etc. It's only
when I'm in WMM.

One last bit of info on my connections is that the computer is hooked to my
amplifier receiver by a Toslink cable. This is how I'm getting the sound
through my surround sound system in anything, like I said, but the the WMM.
Is it something to do with my connections to the amp?

Does this info help anybody out there to solve this issue??????? Please help!!

Thank you also CW for your words of encouragement. I can't give up on this,
I've got too much money wrapped up in it!


Rehan said:
Some things to be tried:

Can you record from mic in windows Sound Recorder app:
Start > All Programs > Accessories > Entertainment > Sound Recorder

If No then you can ask for help from the place you purchased your PC. It
should still be under warranty.

If yes, then there seems a more elusive problem.

In this case reinstall a few things (no need to uninstall anything):

* Service Pack 2
* DirectX 9c
* Windows Media Encoder

Come back after these.
Thank you again, CW. When I turn it on, the WMM is getting the video just
fine, I can see that, just can't hear it. You make me then think that WMM is
getting the video somehow through the Hauppage TV card and it needs to be
getting it somehow through a camera card. I'll do as you suggest and go back
to the help menus (have done this many times, but maybe on a fresh day
something will click with me.) I'll have to look into "configuring" WMM.
Anybody know how to go about doing that?

CW said:
Jenny -
Good idea to give all that details about your settings. Other more
knowledgeable people may come back with more help, but it is possible that
your capture settings need some configuring. If the capture device is
defaulting to the Hauppage (your TV card) then WMM is not seeing the camera
(is it connected and on?). Before you look at or try to tune these settings,
ensure your camera is connected, switched on, and set to VCR or Playback
mode. Then start the capture wizard, and WMM should then see the camera as an
option instead of Hauppage. Then you will be able to adjust the settings if
The inbuilt Help has quite a bit of info on this: open it up, go to
Contents, expand as necessary till u see Using WMM, expand to see Capturing
Video, expand to see Choosing a video & audio capture device.
I would go through all that first to check that the camera is being
recognised properly, and that WMM is correctly configured to receive both the
video and audio from it.
I'm sure there will be more advice, and you should have a look at PapaJohn's
website too:, where there's a wealth of information.
You'll get there!!

jensteff said:
Okay, I have to admit I'm extremely leary of reinstalling anything. I don't
even know if I have SP2 and what I've read about the problems it causes, I'm
not sure I'd want to install it. I wouldn't know how to begin reinstalling
the items you mentioned. I have checked my sound recorder and it works just
fine. Could you explain what reinstalling these things is going to do for me?
It's a brand new system, I've done nothing with it except get the Norton
Anti-Virus up and going and messed with this Movie Maker. Here are some more
details as to what I've all got and done:

In the WMM Video Capture Wizard, the video capture device listed is
Hauppauge Win TV88x. The Audio device that I have selected is SB Audigy Audio
[A400] (vs the other option which is Modem #1 Line Record)

The Audio Input Source options in the drop down box are:

MIDI Synth
"What u Hear"
CD Digital
Analog Mix (Line/CD/Aux/TAD/PC)

It is these above listed items that I think I've tried everyone and I don't
hear sound with any of them.

I have also gone in My Computer and in Sound and Audio Devices under Volume
it says, "No Audio Device" Nothing else in this box is "live". I couldn't
click on anything even if I wanted to. Under Audio, "Sound Playback" is the
first thing listed. The default device is set to SB Audigy Audio [A400] (vs
the other option which is the Modem #1 Line-In) In Volume, under Audio,
nothing is muted, all volumes are turned up. Under "Sound Recording", I also
have SB Audio [A400] selected. Under Volume > Recording Control, all volumes
are turned up and not muted.

I am plugged into the front of the machine where there are Composite inputs
for video/audio. My camcorder has only one audio (white). I've been told that
it will only record one side since there is not a red connection. I don't
think this is the cause for no sound at all. (I get sound from it if I plug
it in the same way directly to these same Composite inputs on the

Somebody in an earlier post said she changed her settings for Audio in the
Record dialogue box to record Auxillary and Composite and it worked. The only
places I know where to go are what I talked about above. People have also
said in other posts to make sure the sound source is set to Line In. Where do
I do this? If it's in the Audio Input Source that I talked about above, I
don't have an option that says "Auxillary and Composite"

I get sound for anything else on the computer, the bells and dings as you
navigate, in the My TV part of Media Center and playing DVD's, etc. It's only
when I'm in WMM.

One last bit of info on my connections is that the computer is hooked to my
amplifier receiver by a Toslink cable. This is how I'm getting the sound
through my surround sound system in anything, like I said, but the the WMM.
Is it something to do with my connections to the amp?

Does this info help anybody out there to solve this issue??????? Please help!!

Thank you also CW for your words of encouragement. I can't give up on this,
I've got too much money wrapped up in it!


Rehan said:
Some things to be tried:

Can you record from mic in windows Sound Recorder app:
Start > All Programs > Accessories > Entertainment > Sound Recorder

If No then you can ask for help from the place you purchased your PC. It
should still be under warranty.

If yes, then there seems a more elusive problem.

In this case reinstall a few things (no need to uninstall anything):

* Service Pack 2
* DirectX 9c
* Windows Media Encoder

Come back after these.

Rehan - get more effects and transitions for movie maker

This is my first time on this forum. It looks to be excellent, but also
rather grim for me. I'm not a computer person and yet I have stuck about
$2400 in this Media Center computer with the entire purpose to convert my
analogue home videos to DVD. It has Windows Movie Maker already installed
I was told that it has everything on it that I need in order to do this.
was back in February. Eight months later and I am still not up and running
with this thing. I have tried the advice of many things suggested in the
forum. I get the feeling that even if I solve the audio problem I'm
not being able to capture the audio with my video that is, I'll run into
multiple other problems with all the next steps to come: converting the
signals, burning to DVD, etc. Could somebody give me some encouraging
and tell me that not everybody has trouble? I've tried every option in the
audio drop down box when I do my recording and have had no luck!!!
Ughh!!!!! I am completely frazzled and obviously discouraged. Any other
ideas with the sound not capturing???


I don't seem to have all the messages to this thread, but, have you double
clicked the small loudspeaker in your system tray, navigated to the "Record"
options and made certain that the right source has been selected? It has to
match up with whatever you choose in MM...if sound

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
Just glad I don't live in Croydon, UK
(o o)
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
I use the Windows Movie Maker 2 as a very fast Storyboard Creator..Import
into Collections--Add to the Storyboard your on your way to createing
starting notes..So..obviously I don't Capture useing Windows Movie Maker 2..I
Capture useing the DELL Movie Studio..or..the ROXIO DVD-Builder
took me about 9-months to get a good DVD-disk took me about 0ne
Month to get Sound Editeing figured out in some way((I still make
mistakes))..I began useing my Audio MP-3 file as a single AUDIO
TRACK--containing about 18-differant songs..I would choose my music
tracks..Master them into my SONY Tape Deck for a consistent Volume
Level..this would be my Master Audio Track on audio tape..I would then run
that into my ROXIO Sound Editor to convert to a MP-3 Track--equal to my Movie
File in total elasped time((with-in 3-seconds))start and finish((minus))the
Titles& it along the 50-minute slide shows take about
a week to make..I have sat at my PC--for a non-stop 24-hours..shutting off
the Monitor because of tempature increases(slightly)..and just letting the
software run just takes learn all the Drop_Down Menu's as
Information..if I don't make a movie for a month I even forget what to do
sometimes..spend some money and experiment with the transistions and
effects((throwing away disks))..EQUIPMENT--->I Use...DELL Dim.2350..120GB
HD[7200-rpm]..TOSHIBA DVD-R/RW-disk writer..512 MB[RAM]..1.8Ghz..Intel P4((a
must))..or better..DELL Movie Studio(w/ROXIO-videowave movie creator)and the
Break-Out Box(w/diagnostics)..ROXIO EZ CD&DVD Creator 6..SONY Dual Cassette
Deck..Broksonic DVD-VCR Combo Home Player..PanaSonic VCR-tape
Deck(recorder)..APEX AD-660 DVD-Player for CD-to MP-3 Sound Editeing(useing
the ROXIO Sound Editor)..1394 IEEE Capture Card by Texas
Instruments..JVC-DolbyDigital((DTS))Home Theater..Optimus Digital
Amplifier(Pro Logic+DSP)Stereo Sound..NIKON CoolPix E2100 2.0 Still
Camera..PanaSonic PV-DV53 PalmCorder..TDK-Blanks..MAXELL Blanks..SONY audio
tape..SONY VHS-tape..PanaSonic DV-tape..RadioShack
Wires--Cables--Connectors--Fiber Optics..Battery Re-Chargers..Multi-Meter for
Test Equipment..JVC-portable..SONY-portable..DELL JukeBox..BELKIN.
Jenny -
One thing not mentioned so far...what type of connection/cable are you using
between the camera and the PC?

jensteff said:
Thank you again, CW. When I turn it on, the WMM is getting the video just
fine, I can see that, just can't hear it. You make me then think that WMM is
getting the video somehow through the Hauppage TV card and it needs to be
getting it somehow through a camera card. I'll do as you suggest and go back
to the help menus (have done this many times, but maybe on a fresh day
something will click with me.) I'll have to look into "configuring" WMM.
Anybody know how to go about doing that?

CW said:
Jenny -
Good idea to give all that details about your settings. Other more
knowledgeable people may come back with more help, but it is possible that
your capture settings need some configuring. If the capture device is
defaulting to the Hauppage (your TV card) then WMM is not seeing the camera
(is it connected and on?). Before you look at or try to tune these settings,
ensure your camera is connected, switched on, and set to VCR or Playback
mode. Then start the capture wizard, and WMM should then see the camera as an
option instead of Hauppage. Then you will be able to adjust the settings if
The inbuilt Help has quite a bit of info on this: open it up, go to
Contents, expand as necessary till u see Using WMM, expand to see Capturing
Video, expand to see Choosing a video & audio capture device.
I would go through all that first to check that the camera is being
recognised properly, and that WMM is correctly configured to receive both the
video and audio from it.
I'm sure there will be more advice, and you should have a look at PapaJohn's
website too:, where there's a wealth of information.
You'll get there!!

jensteff said:
Okay, I have to admit I'm extremely leary of reinstalling anything. I don't
even know if I have SP2 and what I've read about the problems it causes, I'm
not sure I'd want to install it. I wouldn't know how to begin reinstalling
the items you mentioned. I have checked my sound recorder and it works just
fine. Could you explain what reinstalling these things is going to do for me?
It's a brand new system, I've done nothing with it except get the Norton
Anti-Virus up and going and messed with this Movie Maker. Here are some more
details as to what I've all got and done:

In the WMM Video Capture Wizard, the video capture device listed is
Hauppauge Win TV88x. The Audio device that I have selected is SB Audigy Audio
[A400] (vs the other option which is Modem #1 Line Record)

The Audio Input Source options in the drop down box are:

MIDI Synth
"What u Hear"
CD Digital
Analog Mix (Line/CD/Aux/TAD/PC)

It is these above listed items that I think I've tried everyone and I don't
hear sound with any of them.

I have also gone in My Computer and in Sound and Audio Devices under Volume
it says, "No Audio Device" Nothing else in this box is "live". I couldn't
click on anything even if I wanted to. Under Audio, "Sound Playback" is the
first thing listed. The default device is set to SB Audigy Audio [A400] (vs
the other option which is the Modem #1 Line-In) In Volume, under Audio,
nothing is muted, all volumes are turned up. Under "Sound Recording", I also
have SB Audio [A400] selected. Under Volume > Recording Control, all volumes
are turned up and not muted.

I am plugged into the front of the machine where there are Composite inputs
for video/audio. My camcorder has only one audio (white). I've been told that
it will only record one side since there is not a red connection. I don't
think this is the cause for no sound at all. (I get sound from it if I plug
it in the same way directly to these same Composite inputs on the

Somebody in an earlier post said she changed her settings for Audio in the
Record dialogue box to record Auxillary and Composite and it worked. The only
places I know where to go are what I talked about above. People have also
said in other posts to make sure the sound source is set to Line In. Where do
I do this? If it's in the Audio Input Source that I talked about above, I
don't have an option that says "Auxillary and Composite"

I get sound for anything else on the computer, the bells and dings as you
navigate, in the My TV part of Media Center and playing DVD's, etc. It's only
when I'm in WMM.

One last bit of info on my connections is that the computer is hooked to my
amplifier receiver by a Toslink cable. This is how I'm getting the sound
through my surround sound system in anything, like I said, but the the WMM.
Is it something to do with my connections to the amp?

Does this info help anybody out there to solve this issue??????? Please help!!

Thank you also CW for your words of encouragement. I can't give up on this,
I've got too much money wrapped up in it!



Some things to be tried:

Can you record from mic in windows Sound Recorder app:
Start > All Programs > Accessories > Entertainment > Sound Recorder

If No then you can ask for help from the place you purchased your PC. It
should still be under warranty.

If yes, then there seems a more elusive problem.

In this case reinstall a few things (no need to uninstall anything):

* Service Pack 2
* DirectX 9c
* Windows Media Encoder

Come back after these.

Rehan - get more effects and transitions for movie maker

This is my first time on this forum. It looks to be excellent, but also
rather grim for me. I'm not a computer person and yet I have stuck about
$2400 in this Media Center computer with the entire purpose to convert my
analogue home videos to DVD. It has Windows Movie Maker already installed
I was told that it has everything on it that I need in order to do this.
was back in February. Eight months later and I am still not up and running
with this thing. I have tried the advice of many things suggested in the
forum. I get the feeling that even if I solve the audio problem I'm
not being able to capture the audio with my video that is, I'll run into
multiple other problems with all the next steps to come: converting the
signals, burning to DVD, etc. Could somebody give me some encouraging
and tell me that not everybody has trouble? I've tried every option in the
audio drop down box when I do my recording and have had no luck!!!
Ughh!!!!! I am completely frazzled and obviously discouraged. Any other
ideas with the sound not capturing???

The only way I can connect it is from the A/V OUT on my camera. It is a
single output, this end is just one plug in (I don't know what it's called,
but it looks like what you plug in headphones with on the camera end). On the
other end, it splits into 2 composite hookups. One yellow (video) and one
white (audio). I've been told I can by a Y-adapter to put on the end of the
white one in order to get left and right. Haven't done that, but I guess I
still think I should get sound from just the one. So I plug the yellow into
the yellow composite input on the computer and I get video. I plug the white
into the white on the computer. No sound.

CW said:
Jenny -
One thing not mentioned so far...what type of connection/cable are you using
between the camera and the PC?

jensteff said:
Thank you again, CW. When I turn it on, the WMM is getting the video just
fine, I can see that, just can't hear it. You make me then think that WMM is
getting the video somehow through the Hauppage TV card and it needs to be
getting it somehow through a camera card. I'll do as you suggest and go back
to the help menus (have done this many times, but maybe on a fresh day
something will click with me.) I'll have to look into "configuring" WMM.
Anybody know how to go about doing that?

CW said:
Jenny -
Good idea to give all that details about your settings. Other more
knowledgeable people may come back with more help, but it is possible that
your capture settings need some configuring. If the capture device is
defaulting to the Hauppage (your TV card) then WMM is not seeing the camera
(is it connected and on?). Before you look at or try to tune these settings,
ensure your camera is connected, switched on, and set to VCR or Playback
mode. Then start the capture wizard, and WMM should then see the camera as an
option instead of Hauppage. Then you will be able to adjust the settings if
The inbuilt Help has quite a bit of info on this: open it up, go to
Contents, expand as necessary till u see Using WMM, expand to see Capturing
Video, expand to see Choosing a video & audio capture device.
I would go through all that first to check that the camera is being
recognised properly, and that WMM is correctly configured to receive both the
video and audio from it.
I'm sure there will be more advice, and you should have a look at PapaJohn's
website too:, where there's a wealth of information.
You'll get there!!


Okay, I have to admit I'm extremely leary of reinstalling anything. I don't
even know if I have SP2 and what I've read about the problems it causes, I'm
not sure I'd want to install it. I wouldn't know how to begin reinstalling
the items you mentioned. I have checked my sound recorder and it works just
fine. Could you explain what reinstalling these things is going to do for me?
It's a brand new system, I've done nothing with it except get the Norton
Anti-Virus up and going and messed with this Movie Maker. Here are some more
details as to what I've all got and done:

In the WMM Video Capture Wizard, the video capture device listed is
Hauppauge Win TV88x. The Audio device that I have selected is SB Audigy Audio
[A400] (vs the other option which is Modem #1 Line Record)

The Audio Input Source options in the drop down box are:

MIDI Synth
"What u Hear"
CD Digital
Analog Mix (Line/CD/Aux/TAD/PC)

It is these above listed items that I think I've tried everyone and I don't
hear sound with any of them.

I have also gone in My Computer and in Sound and Audio Devices under Volume
it says, "No Audio Device" Nothing else in this box is "live". I couldn't
click on anything even if I wanted to. Under Audio, "Sound Playback" is the
first thing listed. The default device is set to SB Audigy Audio [A400] (vs
the other option which is the Modem #1 Line-In) In Volume, under Audio,
nothing is muted, all volumes are turned up. Under "Sound Recording", I also
have SB Audio [A400] selected. Under Volume > Recording Control, all volumes
are turned up and not muted.

I am plugged into the front of the machine where there are Composite inputs
for video/audio. My camcorder has only one audio (white). I've been told that
it will only record one side since there is not a red connection. I don't
think this is the cause for no sound at all. (I get sound from it if I plug
it in the same way directly to these same Composite inputs on the

Somebody in an earlier post said she changed her settings for Audio in the
Record dialogue box to record Auxillary and Composite and it worked. The only
places I know where to go are what I talked about above. People have also
said in other posts to make sure the sound source is set to Line In. Where do
I do this? If it's in the Audio Input Source that I talked about above, I
don't have an option that says "Auxillary and Composite"

I get sound for anything else on the computer, the bells and dings as you
navigate, in the My TV part of Media Center and playing DVD's, etc. It's only
when I'm in WMM.

One last bit of info on my connections is that the computer is hooked to my
amplifier receiver by a Toslink cable. This is how I'm getting the sound
through my surround sound system in anything, like I said, but the the WMM.
Is it something to do with my connections to the amp?

Does this info help anybody out there to solve this issue??????? Please help!!

Thank you also CW for your words of encouragement. I can't give up on this,
I've got too much money wrapped up in it!



Some things to be tried:

Can you record from mic in windows Sound Recorder app:
Start > All Programs > Accessories > Entertainment > Sound Recorder

If No then you can ask for help from the place you purchased your PC. It
should still be under warranty.

If yes, then there seems a more elusive problem.

In this case reinstall a few things (no need to uninstall anything):

* Service Pack 2
* DirectX 9c
* Windows Media Encoder

Come back after these.

Rehan - get more effects and transitions for movie maker

This is my first time on this forum. It looks to be excellent, but also
rather grim for me. I'm not a computer person and yet I have stuck about
$2400 in this Media Center computer with the entire purpose to convert my
analogue home videos to DVD. It has Windows Movie Maker already installed
I was told that it has everything on it that I need in order to do this.
was back in February. Eight months later and I am still not up and running
with this thing. I have tried the advice of many things suggested in the
forum. I get the feeling that even if I solve the audio problem I'm
not being able to capture the audio with my video that is, I'll run into
multiple other problems with all the next steps to come: converting the
signals, burning to DVD, etc. Could somebody give me some encouraging
and tell me that not everybody has trouble? I've tried every option in the
audio drop down box when I do my recording and have had no luck!!!
Ughh!!!!! I am completely frazzled and obviously discouraged. Any other
ideas with the sound not capturing???

Sorry I have been out for a few days...I'm thinking your cable/type of
connection is the problem. I don't think you can use that type for capturing
video/audio onto a computer. I have exactly the same cable with my Sony
camera and use it only for viewing on the TV (plug it in directly) or
recording onto tape in the VCR. I cannot upload to the PC using this cable -
it just doesn't work. I guess it doesn't have the capacity or something.
To get video/audio onto the PC you need to use at least a USB connection,
although this is far from ideal and some peope get dropped frames or other
problems - the newsgroup is full of sorry stories. But it is easy to try -
USB cable is just a few pounds (sorry, probably dollars for you?), and you
will certainly have USB ports on your PC and (presumably?) on the camera, so
there is no other expense in at least trying it out. But the best of all
(fastest throughput and most reliable) is a "Firewire" connection, also known
as IEEE 1394, or iLink, or DV capture card, for which you need a special
cable and a Firewire card or port in the PC - it may already have one - check
the spec.
If you can upgrade your connection to that I think you may well find
everything works.
Will be interested to know, so keep posting...
Good luck

jensteff said:
The only way I can connect it is from the A/V OUT on my camera. It is a
single output, this end is just one plug in (I don't know what it's called,
but it looks like what you plug in headphones with on the camera end). On the
other end, it splits into 2 composite hookups. One yellow (video) and one
white (audio). I've been told I can by a Y-adapter to put on the end of the
white one in order to get left and right. Haven't done that, but I guess I
still think I should get sound from just the one. So I plug the yellow into
the yellow composite input on the computer and I get video. I plug the white
into the white on the computer. No sound.

CW said:
Jenny -
One thing not mentioned so far...what type of connection/cable are you using
between the camera and the PC?

jensteff said:
Thank you again, CW. When I turn it on, the WMM is getting the video just
fine, I can see that, just can't hear it. You make me then think that WMM is
getting the video somehow through the Hauppage TV card and it needs to be
getting it somehow through a camera card. I'll do as you suggest and go back
to the help menus (have done this many times, but maybe on a fresh day
something will click with me.) I'll have to look into "configuring" WMM.
Anybody know how to go about doing that?


Jenny -
Good idea to give all that details about your settings. Other more
knowledgeable people may come back with more help, but it is possible that
your capture settings need some configuring. If the capture device is
defaulting to the Hauppage (your TV card) then WMM is not seeing the camera
(is it connected and on?). Before you look at or try to tune these settings,
ensure your camera is connected, switched on, and set to VCR or Playback
mode. Then start the capture wizard, and WMM should then see the camera as an
option instead of Hauppage. Then you will be able to adjust the settings if
The inbuilt Help has quite a bit of info on this: open it up, go to
Contents, expand as necessary till u see Using WMM, expand to see Capturing
Video, expand to see Choosing a video & audio capture device.
I would go through all that first to check that the camera is being
recognised properly, and that WMM is correctly configured to receive both the
video and audio from it.
I'm sure there will be more advice, and you should have a look at PapaJohn's
website too:, where there's a wealth of information.
You'll get there!!


Okay, I have to admit I'm extremely leary of reinstalling anything. I don't
even know if I have SP2 and what I've read about the problems it causes, I'm
not sure I'd want to install it. I wouldn't know how to begin reinstalling
the items you mentioned. I have checked my sound recorder and it works just
fine. Could you explain what reinstalling these things is going to do for me?
It's a brand new system, I've done nothing with it except get the Norton
Anti-Virus up and going and messed with this Movie Maker. Here are some more
details as to what I've all got and done:

In the WMM Video Capture Wizard, the video capture device listed is
Hauppauge Win TV88x. The Audio device that I have selected is SB Audigy Audio
[A400] (vs the other option which is Modem #1 Line Record)

The Audio Input Source options in the drop down box are:

MIDI Synth
"What u Hear"
CD Digital
Analog Mix (Line/CD/Aux/TAD/PC)

It is these above listed items that I think I've tried everyone and I don't
hear sound with any of them.

I have also gone in My Computer and in Sound and Audio Devices under Volume
it says, "No Audio Device" Nothing else in this box is "live". I couldn't
click on anything even if I wanted to. Under Audio, "Sound Playback" is the
first thing listed. The default device is set to SB Audigy Audio [A400] (vs
the other option which is the Modem #1 Line-In) In Volume, under Audio,
nothing is muted, all volumes are turned up. Under "Sound Recording", I also
have SB Audio [A400] selected. Under Volume > Recording Control, all volumes
are turned up and not muted.

I am plugged into the front of the machine where there are Composite inputs
for video/audio. My camcorder has only one audio (white). I've been told that
it will only record one side since there is not a red connection. I don't
think this is the cause for no sound at all. (I get sound from it if I plug
it in the same way directly to these same Composite inputs on the

Somebody in an earlier post said she changed her settings for Audio in the
Record dialogue box to record Auxillary and Composite and it worked. The only
places I know where to go are what I talked about above. People have also
said in other posts to make sure the sound source is set to Line In. Where do
I do this? If it's in the Audio Input Source that I talked about above, I
don't have an option that says "Auxillary and Composite"

I get sound for anything else on the computer, the bells and dings as you
navigate, in the My TV part of Media Center and playing DVD's, etc. It's only
when I'm in WMM.

One last bit of info on my connections is that the computer is hooked to my
amplifier receiver by a Toslink cable. This is how I'm getting the sound
through my surround sound system in anything, like I said, but the the WMM.
Is it something to do with my connections to the amp?

Does this info help anybody out there to solve this issue??????? Please help!!

Thank you also CW for your words of encouragement. I can't give up on this,
I've got too much money wrapped up in it!



Some things to be tried:

Can you record from mic in windows Sound Recorder app:
Start > All Programs > Accessories > Entertainment > Sound Recorder

If No then you can ask for help from the place you purchased your PC. It
should still be under warranty.

If yes, then there seems a more elusive problem.

In this case reinstall a few things (no need to uninstall anything):

* Service Pack 2
* DirectX 9c
* Windows Media Encoder

Come back after these.

Rehan - get more effects and transitions for movie maker

This is my first time on this forum. It looks to be excellent, but also
rather grim for me. I'm not a computer person and yet I have stuck about
$2400 in this Media Center computer with the entire purpose to convert my
analogue home videos to DVD. It has Windows Movie Maker already installed
I was told that it has everything on it that I need in order to do this.
was back in February. Eight months later and I am still not up and running
with this thing. I have tried the advice of many things suggested in the
forum. I get the feeling that even if I solve the audio problem I'm
not being able to capture the audio with my video that is, I'll run into
multiple other problems with all the next steps to come: converting the
signals, burning to DVD, etc. Could somebody give me some encouraging
and tell me that not everybody has trouble? I've tried every option in the
audio drop down box when I do my recording and have had no luck!!!
Ughh!!!!! I am completely frazzled and obviously discouraged. Any other
ideas with the sound not capturing???
