No audio device, no movie maker...

  • Thread starter Thread starter louk
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our system doesn't have an audio device but I want to be able to capture
just a video without sound. When I start movie maker, it reports that it
could not find an audio device and after confirming the dialog, movie maker
shuts down.
How can I get rid of this?


Hi there,

I don't think you can. A much more important question might be, "How old
is the motherboard in your computer" If its less than an Intel P3 you may
not be able to capture the video successfully anyway. Usually a P4 with at
least 512MB of DDR Ram and loads of free disk space (1Hr at DV-AVI quality
requires a minimum of 13GB free space to capture)

Most new(ish) motherboards come with an on-board basic sound system

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
Hi John,

thanks for the answer. The board of the machine has a P4 with 500MHz,
128MByte of RAM and a harddrive with two partitions each of 10GByte. Thats
really not much. I installed a Bluetooth WidComm SW which provides an audio
profile. Connecting a headset oder even the bluetooth stick is then not
required an Movie Maker runs, but verry slow.


Hi there,

Yes, 500MHz is very slow. I am surprised it is set up like that.

Is this a set-up you created yourself? Is there any possibility of
increasing the stepping for the CPU clock speed? I am curious about the
Bluetooth as well, it is certainly a novel solution to the sound card issue.

I should also point out that the amount of ram is way lower than you
need. More than half of that will be requisitioned by XP itself. With regard
to the ram, I assume that you have the virtual memory set-up. You would be
advised to set it up so that both the minimum and maximum pagefile is set at
the same value, and that value should be 1.5 times that amount of ram.

If you are in the UK, RAM is so very cheap now. If you go to PC World
and look for their "brown" packaged goods you will be able to pick up a lot
of memory at very reasonable may have to ask someone to dig
them out for you.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
Hi John,

the current installed XP Professional is not created by us although the
final XP Embedded will be.

Bluetooth simulates a sound device and when Movie Maker opens just a stream
and does not access the hardware directly (which would not be a good
programming behavior), it can work. Since I started experimenting with
bluetooth for maintenance reason to use it to connect a headset (for VoIP)
and also to build a network for file sharing and internet access, it was a
case of chance, that I found that Movie Maker works without having a sound

The ram issue is a point I really concern about. Depends on whether
management want to spend the money. Profit margin is not so high, so that we
have to save money. When ram prices fall far enough, we increase it.

Virtual memory is activated. I set now to the min/max value to your

Regards from Germany
