I'm running sever 2003 and xp pro SP3 on the workstation.
First of all, realize that file/folder permissions can easily be set to
not allow access by "administrators". So just because a user has admin
privilege, he may not be able to access an object (although he probably
has capability to change those permissions).
Since the object in question is on a server, it is the server
permissions that apply. Bring up a command window (start->run->"cmd")
and enter the following command:
cacls \\servername\share\path\file_folder
or, if it is a mapped drive (e.g. x
cacls x:\path\file_folder
where "servername" is replaced with your server name, "share" is
replaced with the share name, "path" replaced with the path to the
object in question, and "file_folder" is replaced with the file or
folder name. This will show the permissions that are currently in
effect for that object. Type the command "cacls /?" for a description
of terms.
It could be that a server group has been defined with access to this
object and your user is not a part of that group.