no address bar



For some unknown reason I no longer have an address bar on my IE6. I only
have a My Search bar which sucks actually. I tried re-installing IE but the
same thing happens. I really need the address bar. Can anyone help? If
possible please respond by email since I dont get here very often.

R. Hamm

right-click anywhere on the menu bar and make sure address bar is checked,
you can also lock it so others can't 'play' with it.


Click on the the line that seperates the page and the
toold bar, and drag it down, but right click anywhere on
the menu first and make sure address bar has a check by

Mike Burgess

Close all instances of IE except one
Right-click on the top Toolbar, uncheck: "Lock the Toolbars"
Place the cursor over the "Address" button and click (hold down)
It will change to a 4-way arrow, move or expand the Address Bar to desired
Right-click on the top Toolbar, check: "Lock the Toolbars"
Hold down the Ctrl key and close IE
[more info]
Odd Toolbar Behavior: [Address Bar\Status Bar]
Mike Burgess [MVP Windows Shell\User]
Blocking Spyware, Adware, Parasites, Hijackers, Trojans, with a HOSTS file [updated 11-04-03]
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