No access to certian parts of sites

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chaz
  • Start date Start date



Lately I have been having trouble getting on certain sites. I am not an
expert, but I think I know what the problem is, I just don’t know how it
happened or how to solve it.

I can go to any site, AOL, my banks, google, anything. The problem starts
when I try to sign in. I THINK (but once again, I’m no expert), it has
something to so with sites that are SECURE or have high security. For
example. I can get to AOL, but when I try to sign in, I get that error
message you would get if you had no internet connection. Same thing with my
bank, as soon as I try and sign in, it shuts me down.

I don’t remember installing anything related to the internet, and I have
adaquat virus/malware protection.

I have 3 other computers connected to the same router, and only MY computer
does this, so it’s not related to the cable modem or router. ALSO…I opened up
a virtual session of Windows, using vmware, and the same thing happens there.

Any suggestions would help.

Thanks in advance for your assistance!

HI Peter:

Thank you for your reply. I just used as an example, it is doing
this on almost everything. Seem like it only does it on things/sites that use
encryption, but I'm guess there.
Regular sites are using http://
Secure sites are using https:// (the "S" is for secure).
If you are correct, the problem might be with the https:// configuration on
your computer's configuration
Cheek the Firewall to make sure that it is allowing https through.
Look at the Browser's Internet Option Advanced tab, scroll down and make
sure that the SSL and TLS entries are checked.
Jack (MS, MVP-Networking).