My current antivirus--F-secure--runs a large number of processes. If I'm
counting them right I get 13 at the moment. I don't find this to be a
problem--they don't eat ram or CPU particularly.
It has the absolute best autoupdate I've seen, in terms of being
unobtrusive. The usual icon is a little blue triangle, and you get a green
bar below it sometimes at boot, which is a progress bar for the autoupdate.
No interaction needed--just a tiny indicator to let you know it is
happening. The updates come in via Backweb, which some old-line antispyware
folks may think of as not good.
My own experience with Symantec products for the home consumer is parallel
to what you posted, so I won't say the post is wrong--but multiple processes
isn't necessarily a terrible sin--in fact, it is probably an absolute
requirement for something which has to dig as deeply as an antivirus or
anti-spyware app, these days.