http://www.nintendo.com/newsarticle...-4b38-8eb1-d6bf479c4139&page=newsmainNintendo Reveals Early Details About RevolutionMay 13, 2005Big things to come in small packageNintendo, the world leader in video game innovation, stated loud and clearthat they are not to be overlooked in the next generation home console racewith the revelation of several unique features of the company's next consolesystem, code name Revolution, to key media outlets. According to the earlyinformation, Revolution will combine powerful technology and gaming-focusedfeatures in Nintendo's smallest home game console yet.In its final form, Revolution will be about the thickness of three standardDVD cases and only slightly longer. The versatile Revolution will playeither horizontally or vertically, allowing the user total flexibility insetting up a gaming session wherever they have a television.Thanks to Nintendo's hardware development partners IBM and ATI, the smallsystem will be packed with power that will enable it to wow players with itsgraphics. Nintendo's legions of loyal fans will be happy to learn thatRevolution will be backward compatible, playing both Nintendo GameCube 8cmdisks along with its own 12cm optical disks in the same self-loading mediadrive.In the next generation, the addition of the Internet will be important toall consoles and particularly important to Nintendo. Revolution will bewireless Internet ready out of the box.There's much more to Revolution that will be revealed over the comingmonths, but the combination of its compact size, wireless Internet, backwardcompatibility, quick start-up time and quiet, low-power operation add up tothe start of a great game system. Get ready for the Nintendo Revolution in2006!