Nikon D90 - Video

May 18, 2004
Reaction score
Tested this at Dunsfold - the frame rate isn't amazing and it's a ball ache having to manual focus using the screen as opposed to the viewfinder but it seems a good quality, and the sound seems very good.

Edit 1856 - It's still being processed so won't be in HD yet...
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Great vid Chris..

I love the Vulcan..

I grew up in a place called North Weald and there were many airshows there at the famous battle of britain airfield which we used to live just across the road from, saw the Vulcan many times over the years at the airshows, but the best time was when I was at home and out in the garden, the Vulcan flew over towards the house and with just a hundred yards or so from my back garden and flying super low just about 100 feet above us, the pilot tipped the nose skyward and went almost vertical while giving it the full beans..:eek:

I have never heard or felt anything louder or more frightening than that, the ground just shook and trembled with the amount of power and noise from those engines, and there was me looking up almost into them, I could feel the heat and force from them they were that close..

Don't think I'll ever top that day, I'm sure I could see the pilot smirking to himself..:D

I'll never forget that day or that Vulcan bomber..Your pics and vid bought it home to me again just how privileged I was that day
Great video Chris :D :D :D

The Vulcan is such a great aircraft :thumb: It looks and sounds fantastic, and is a real treasure. Ironic to thing that it was designed for such a destructive purpose.
I liked what you captured. This camera is really versatile.

Have you considered a video tripod for this kind of shooting. The video tripod really comes in handy when panning is required, it can be very smooth to say the least. Places like air shows, race tracks and like can be more easily tackled. Just a suggestion.