Hi Carl,
Wow! That link is still good. Very good PDF on Nikon Scan3.
Yes, it's great! I have it on my desktop as a shortcut, even though
I'm currently using my own little program most of the time.
I have not have any luck in learning how to snoop around in other peoples
web sites with anonymous ftp. I use WS_FTP and I am rarely able to get in.
Oh, I didn't mean anything fancy. Just simply going a level up, or
down to see what's in all the directories. I don't know WS_FTP (but
the name is very familiar). There should be a menu item or a command
called something like "go to parent directory" or you just click on
the directory you want to enter.
I use a really old ftp client called "LeechFTP". It's very basic but I
ftp very rarely and it does the trick.
Another thing which sometimes works is to enter the ftp address in
your browser. Some ftp sites have a "web front end" which just
displays all entries as text (links) in your browser. You then just
click on any directory to enter it. The first line is usually "go up"
but if that's not there then the first line is simply ".." which you
click and it will take you a level up to the parent directory.
Is that better then "It goes to 10". LOL
Oh, it's a classic. Spinal Tap is a really old movie. It's a parody (a
"documentary") about a heavy metal band. In this scene the interviewer
talks to a band member who claims a particular amp is really good
because the volume goes to 11. The interviewer says something like
"That doesn't make it any louder, they simply divided the volume range
into 11 steps instead of 10". The band member gives a totally blank
look and after a short pause says: "But it goes to 11!"... It's
absolutely hilarious!
Nikon "support" folks are just as clueless.
Yes! And sometimes flamed.
If they're trying to make a serious point or there are supporting
facts, fair enough, but if it's only a flame I just ignore it.
The thing that gets to me is the fact that if you make a typo, and hit send,
the typo is for the world to see. No matter how many times I proofread I
still make typos. Spell check misses a lot of grammatical errors.
Ah, yes! Murphy's Law at work: "If anything can go wrong, it will" ;o)
I recently made (in my view) the ultimate error of mistyping "its"
when I meant "it's" (or maybe vice versa). I caught it right after I
sent it (of course...) but it was already too late. The horror! ;o)