On the original question, the main advice I have seen is that Firewire
to SCSI converters work better than USB to SCSI converters (or at
least more people reported success). There used to be a Belkin
product and an Orange Micro product for this, but these apparently are
not made anymore and only available second hand. I _think_ the only
one available new is the Ratoc product mentioned by others. See for
instance said:
You maybe out of luck unless you are running system 9 on your Mac. Mac
OSX doesn't recognize SCSI at all, at least that is what my local Mac
dealer told me. All SCSI devices were orphaned with OSX.
Well, it is not quite true. I have an old 7600/200 running OSX
(10.3.8 through XPostFacto) with a 36GB SCSI drive on a Miles Initio2
SCSI card and my old film scanner on the built-in external SCSI port.
I have not had much problems with running the scanner and OSX does
recognise the Initio2 card. I suspect the XPostFacto drivers are the
reason the internal SCSI works with the film scanner. I use VueScan.