nikon 4000ed channel problem

  • Thread starter Thread starter johnv
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I have a Nikon 4000ED, using Nikon Scan 4.0.2. When I turn on the the
scanner and preview, I will have one channel act as if the gain is set
at ~ -3 (min gain is -2). So the image will either be lacking blue or
green or red. I can usually get the channel back by turning off the
software/scanner and turning back on again. But that is working less
and less. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the software, but no go.
ANyone have this happen to them before?

I have had a *somewhat* similar experience. By any chance are you scanning
unusual sized slides?

I have a Coolscan V ED and use the Nikon Scan 4.0.2 also. I recently
scanned a couple thousand slides for the family.
A few of these were not standard 35 mm film in slide mounts, but rather
about 0.9 inches square. They were mounted in 2x2 inch mounts, so they fit
into the scanner OK. The cutout for the film was about 0.9x0.9 also. What
happened to me was that one of the color channels would cutout - some of the
time. It might happened during the Preview or Scan or both.

I contacted tech support, who was extremely helpful, and basically they
agreed that it was a result of the undersized slide. They suggested that in
my case better results could be had by not inserting the slide fully. It
did help. That is not to say that it worked 100% of the time, but it did
get me through the job eventually. Another "fix" was rotating the slide.
It seems to help. Apparently, they use information from near the entrance
edge to make at least one of their global adjustments and if this isn't
possible because of the slide mount totally blocking the sensors, then their
S/W will go bezerk some of the time.

Hope this is your situation and that this helps.

Thanks Fred,
That does not seem to be my problem though as I tried to scan older
slides that I never had a problem with before and I had the same
problem. So I guess I will have to contact Nikon...