the artful dodger
Help Help!
My VISTA PC crashed after an upgrade, and I had to reformat and reinstall
Luckily, I had used the VISTA backup/restore function not long before, so
wasn't too worried... However, there is a MS bug that prevents it actually
functioning properly (SO DO NOT EVER RELY ON IT!!!)
As a result, I have had to unzip all the compressed outlook files that were
created on DVD by vista's Backup/restore function. I have several PST files
such as these ones.
Microsoft Outlook The Director-00000017
Microsoft Outlook The Director conttact-00000005
I went into user\appdata\local\microsft\outlook and put them there in place
of what was the empty .pst files. it has turned into a disaster, as outlook
2007 opened with about ten times the same account, but none of the subfolders.
I tried running the outlook utility (don't remeber what it's called, it's
for repairing corrupt databases). I fixed some of them, and others it just
didn't recognize.
I ended up with the contacts and calendar back in place, but not my files
and iolders, which is all I care about... (calendar & contacts are safe on
the blackberry)
As the data would seem to be available (the PST are all very large) I'm sure
there's a way of getting it all back.
So now I uninstalled Oulook 2007, went and searched for any data/files that
may have been left behind and deleted that also, and now am trying a clean
install. However, Oulook won't open. It is looking for the deleted files...
I point it towards some of the "restored" backups, and all I get are about
five identical accounts with the same inbox, (synccced with my imap inbox)
but none of teh other folders.
Anyone have any brilliant ideas of how I should go about fixing this fiasco?
Thanks millions
My VISTA PC crashed after an upgrade, and I had to reformat and reinstall
Luckily, I had used the VISTA backup/restore function not long before, so
wasn't too worried... However, there is a MS bug that prevents it actually
functioning properly (SO DO NOT EVER RELY ON IT!!!)
As a result, I have had to unzip all the compressed outlook files that were
created on DVD by vista's Backup/restore function. I have several PST files
such as these ones.
Microsoft Outlook The Director-00000017
Microsoft Outlook The Director conttact-00000005
I went into user\appdata\local\microsft\outlook and put them there in place
of what was the empty .pst files. it has turned into a disaster, as outlook
2007 opened with about ten times the same account, but none of the subfolders.
I tried running the outlook utility (don't remeber what it's called, it's
for repairing corrupt databases). I fixed some of them, and others it just
didn't recognize.
I ended up with the contacts and calendar back in place, but not my files
and iolders, which is all I care about... (calendar & contacts are safe on
the blackberry)
As the data would seem to be available (the PST are all very large) I'm sure
there's a way of getting it all back.
So now I uninstalled Oulook 2007, went and searched for any data/files that
may have been left behind and deleted that also, and now am trying a clean
install. However, Oulook won't open. It is looking for the deleted files...
I point it towards some of the "restored" backups, and all I get are about
five identical accounts with the same inbox, (synccced with my imap inbox)
but none of teh other folders.
Anyone have any brilliant ideas of how I should go about fixing this fiasco?
Thanks millions