Nightmare problem!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mark Warman
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Mark Warman

I went out this afternoon leaving my computer running an
antivirus program. WHen I returned, I rebooted my
computer and now I've lost 4 of my drives! I keep my
Music, Graphics, Video and Documents seperate on a
secondary disc that I installed and partitioned in to 4
seperate drives (D,E,F and G). Now they are all

If anyone can help, I'll be incredibly gratefull, all my
work is on these drives...ALL OF IT!!!!!!!! I'm in a

Thank you!

Mark Warman
Mark Warman said:
I went out this afternoon leaving my computer running an
antivirus program. WHen I returned, I rebooted my
computer and now I've lost 4 of my drives! I keep my
Music, Graphics, Video and Documents seperate on a
secondary disc that I installed and partitioned in to 4
seperate drives (D,E,F and G). Now they are all

If anyone can help, I'll be incredibly gratefull, all my
work is on these drives...ALL OF IT!!!!!!!! I'm in a

-- Bob Day
a) Is the drive recognized in the BIOS? If not check the ribbon and power
cable. If still nothing, it's dead. You do perform regular backups don't
you? ANY hard drive can die... usually you get some warning (clicking,
strange noises) but sometimes you get nothing. I've had a hard drive die
after 4 months.... luckily I did get a bit of warning (not much) but enough
to get the 60gb of data offf it and onto another drive on my network. And
Maxtor replaced it with no hassle at all.

b) If it is recognized in the BIOS, right click on My Computer and select
Manage. On the following screen, select Disk Management. Do you now see
the drive(s) on the right hand side of the screen. If you do see them, what
does Windows see and what does it say about them.

try mapping hard drives again. see if they show up. i
doubt that you're hd failed, but it is possible. try re-
mapping in windows explorer, tools, map network drive