A couple of weeks ago, my motherboard NIC, a 3COM 3C920 stopped working, it
would show "Acquiring network address", but never connect. This was about a
month after loading SP2 for XP. Assuming a hardware problem, I borrowed a
3COM Etherlink XL 10/100 PCI card which worked fine. I then purchased a
Linksys LNE100TX Fast Ethernet card as a permanent replacement, however I
was surprised to find that it too had the Acquiring Network Address error.
The settings are the same on all three NICs, (automatic IP & DNS), but only
one works when I switch the patch cable into them. Any ideas to try?
- Pete
would show "Acquiring network address", but never connect. This was about a
month after loading SP2 for XP. Assuming a hardware problem, I borrowed a
3COM Etherlink XL 10/100 PCI card which worked fine. I then purchased a
Linksys LNE100TX Fast Ethernet card as a permanent replacement, however I
was surprised to find that it too had the Acquiring Network Address error.
The settings are the same on all three NICs, (automatic IP & DNS), but only
one works when I switch the patch cable into them. Any ideas to try?
- Pete