Hardisk vs DVD (for backup).
+ DVD recordable is "forever".
- Harddisks can be overwritten.
+ DVD recordable survives DVD burner death/crash/problem
- Harddisks is expensive to recover from on death.
+ DVD's can be cheap
- Harddisk still expensive
+ DVD have no static electricity risks
- Harddisk chips can be damaged by touching them
+ DVD probably dont get hot while reading.
- Harddisks can overheat without proper cooling
+ IDE DVD drives can be attached to other computers
- SATA harddisks for newer computers only.
+ IDE DVD drivers probably supported in dos/ghost
- SATA harddisk not supported in dos ? (hmm good point... maybe ghost wont
work in dos

havent tried yet)
- DVD writing slow
+ Harddisk writing fast
+/- DVD reading pretty fast.
+/- Harddisk reading pretty fast.
( Speed not important, Reliability very important. )
+ DVD can survive drop on floor.
- Harddisk might die after drop on floor.
+ DVD can absorb shockes pretty easy. (?!)
- Harddisk get bad sectors rather quickly.
+ IDE DVD probably easy supported from dos.
- Harddisk above X GB not supported in dos.
- DVD has to be multi-span
+ Single harddisk can be enough
- DVD requires more space on shelf
+ Harddisk doesnt require so much space.
- DVD might not have error recovery
+ Harddisk might have error recovery (?)
- DVD get easily damaged because of scratches
+ Harddisk doesnt get easily damaged because of scratches (?!)
-/+ DVD burned holes might bend back losing data.
-/+ Harddisk magnetics might reallign with north/southpole losing data.
+ DVD R is frozen and less attractive to fool around with etc. Too many disc
swaps needed.
- Harddisk psychologically unattractive... too attractive to keep using and
swap around and modify data.
- DVD each disc needs label.
+ Harddisk would need one label
+ DVD has watermarker pen.
- Harddisk harder to label (?) would need special label stuff.
+ DVD has jewelcase.
- Harddisk chips have no protective housing.
-/+ DVD damagable by DVD laser surge (???).
- Harddisk could be damaged by power surge.
- DVD easy to snap.
+ Harddisk less easy to snap.
- Intense sunlight could damage DVD.
+ Harddisk probably ok for sunlight.
- DVD can get dirty
+ Harddisk won't get dirty that fast (?)
+ DVD should/could be readable by any operating system.
- Harddisk might have operating system specific file system.
Not sure which technology can survive higher temperatures or pressures.
+ DVD pretty easy to use as long as placed up correctly.
- Harddisk might require connection knowledge or master/slave knowledge.
+ DVD can be used with no or frozen fingers.
- Harddisk needs fingers to install.
+ DVD harmless
- Harddisk might create blood staines from cutting on sharp case edges if
+ DVD easy to install
- Harddisk requires case to be opened or special case thingy, might need
screw driver.
+ DVD protected from dust thanks to jewelcase.
- Harddisk chips and such have no protection, might get rusty or eaten by
bactery/acid etc.
+ DVD fits in jacket pocket, a bit risky, it could snap.
-/+ Harddisk probably does not fit in jacket. <- pretty dangerous too... I
wouldn't risk it. dirt might get in nasty places, transportation shock as
already mentioned.
I think I have been pretty thorough.. needless to say I will probably like
DVD much better.. but for the record let's see the totals:
23 plus points for DVD
11 negative points for DVD
12 plus points for harddisk.
23 negative points for harddisk.
For me DVD is the clear winner and Harddisk is the clear loser...