I recently subscribed to SBC Yahoo! DSL, and they sent me
a NIC. It is pretty generic and I don't know what kind it
is other than an Ethernet adapter. Windows XP is
identifying it as a RealTek NIC, then it says that
WIndows could not load the drivers citing error Code 31.
When it does load my pc crashes and reboots and prompts
me to send an error message. It does this even when I
try to load the most current clean drivers I have
downloaded from the net. If anyone has any knowledge
please emilme at (e-mail address removed). Thanks alot.
a NIC. It is pretty generic and I don't know what kind it
is other than an Ethernet adapter. Windows XP is
identifying it as a RealTek NIC, then it says that
WIndows could not load the drivers citing error Code 31.
When it does load my pc crashes and reboots and prompts
me to send an error message. It does this even when I
try to load the most current clean drivers I have
downloaded from the net. If anyone has any knowledge
please emilme at (e-mail address removed). Thanks alot.