I am having a problem with a NIC on a SOHO network.
NIC shows conductivity to the switch port &/or laptop via
cross-over cable. NIC also displays as working correctly
on the PC (Win 2000) and status is connected on LAN.
However when pinging externally get "Request timed out".
Tried loop ping and pinging own address which
both work fine. Have turned off firewall & checked all IP
settings. Same workgroup, same subnet. Also checked HCL &
it's fine. (SMC 1211TX). Also tried uninstalling &
reinstalling the IP stack, still the same.
I noticed when pinging that the status shows no packets
sent or received, even when pinging externally.
Have checked laptop to ping switch & it works fine.(Laptop
runs WinXP). Have tried pinging from switch to PC (where
problem is),failed (timed out).
Last check was popping another hard drive with clean OS
and booted with this, but same problem still occurs.
I have been hunting everywhere for an answer, even checked
my latest BIOS (appears to be the latest). If anyone can
help it would be greatly appreciated.
I am having a problem with a NIC on a SOHO network.
NIC shows conductivity to the switch port &/or laptop via
cross-over cable. NIC also displays as working correctly
on the PC (Win 2000) and status is connected on LAN.
However when pinging externally get "Request timed out".
Tried loop ping and pinging own address which
both work fine. Have turned off firewall & checked all IP
settings. Same workgroup, same subnet. Also checked HCL &
it's fine. (SMC 1211TX). Also tried uninstalling &
reinstalling the IP stack, still the same.
I noticed when pinging that the status shows no packets
sent or received, even when pinging externally.
Have checked laptop to ping switch & it works fine.(Laptop
runs WinXP). Have tried pinging from switch to PC (where
problem is),failed (timed out).
Last check was popping another hard drive with clean OS
and booted with this, but same problem still occurs.
I have been hunting everywhere for an answer, even checked
my latest BIOS (appears to be the latest). If anyone can
help it would be greatly appreciated.