peter said:
This nForce Win2K/XP driver package contains the below components:
Audio driver version 4.31 (WHQL)
Audio utility version 4.31
Win2K ethernet driver version 4.16 (WHQL)
WinXP ethernet driver version 4.16 (WHQL)
Win2K ethernet NRM driver version 4.16 (WHQL)
WinXP ethernet NRM driver version 4.16 (WHQL)
Network management tools version 4.16
GART driver version 3.77 (WHQL) with updated uninstaller files
Memory controller driver version 3.38 (WHQL) with updated uninstaller
files SMBus driver version 4.04 (WHQL) with updated uninstaller files
Installer version 4.38
Win2K IDE 2.5 driver version 4.15 (WHQL) with updated uninstaller files
WinXP IDE 2.5 driver version 4.12 (WHQL) with updated uninstaller files
I have been looking at your website and following most of your helpful
suggestions ..never well almost never had a problem.I have been using
various remixes of the Nforce drivers packages with only slight
problems...Ide drivers mostly and some sound drivers..never ethernet.So I
assume that you're problems must stem from the Nforce3 drivers.Some
remnants must (maybe)still be on your system.Might I suggest
DriverCleaner to clean out those remnants and a fresh install of the 4.24
Sorry... to clear up sme confusion...
I am using the Ethernet Driver version 4.16 from the nForce 4.14 package.
I couldn't uninstall the driver, it was very strange, but I managed to find
a hidden device in device manager and removed that, then managed to removed
the new driver... meanwhile, with the new, but not working driver installed,
my 3Com didn't appear to be installed either, it wouldn't let me view the IP
properties, saying I needed a NIC installed!
I had a little poke in the registry, but decided to revert to the old driver
for now. I'll have another play later.
I've never had any problems with the nForce package before...
Incidentally, for those that have it installed properly and working, what is
the exact name of the ethernet driver? Has it changed from "NVIDIA nForce
MCP Networking Controller"... i.e., dropped the "MCP" from the name?