nforce 3 and Via or nforce4??

Nov 11, 2004
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Hi, I was just wondering, before i splash out hundreds on a new system whether it would be worthwhile to wait until the nforce4 boards hit the streets, as theres a chance they could be buggy,or in fact run at incredibly fast speeds. The other side of the coin would be the established nforce3 and VIA boards which have been optimized for the 939 chip and seem to run without problem....any suggestions?
Wait for nForce 4, the new standards like PCIE, SATA2, DDR2 will make your PC far more future proof that way.
Yeah, i'll third that.

SLI is being introduced in the high end NF4 boards, thats all next generation stuff. Wait for it!!

What speed does SATA2 run at anybody?
NForce boards are on pre-order at The SLI boards are £180, but I didnt know they were to support DDR2.... Also, SATA 2 "runs" at 300MB/sec.

I`ve wanted one since they were announced, i`ve been holding off getting a 939 system because of it, but, realistically, who REALLY needs 2 graphics cards? Most ppl would buy 2 6600`s because they are cheaper, but how much faster than a 6800GT or Ultra is that gonna be? Also, who notices the difference in game frame rates above 30-35FPS? Future games will maybe need dual-graphics cards, but by then the price will have come down. The latest graphics cards will support the latest games, always. The markets have to grow together.

Thats my voice of reason, which has kicked in since I saw the price-tag of the SLI boards. maybe if I had money I would think different... :)

There will ALWAYS be who we in the business side of things call "Alpha pups"

People that want the latest things, as soon as they come, no matter what the price.

The reason the companies charge so much, ie £180 for the SLI board, is because they use a marketing strategy called "Price Skimming" - this is basically them getting as much profit as possible. One segment of the market, the alpha pups, will pay shed loads, so the price starts high. When that segment is exhausted, the pice lowers and the product is then made attractive to prospective buyers from a new segment, and so on.
"who we in the business side of things......"

LOL.... Chris, its not like you to sound like an a*se, please dont do it again :)
Aww your so nice.

Couldnt think of another way to word it, not one with words are me.

I meant what i learned in business studies...
I dont know.

I just enjoy learning about how companies work and how they do things etc etc....

Its just cool.
OK, well if ever you need help with homework, or stuff just tell me, and ill ask my mum for you!
should people going ati wait too? o_o i was thinking maybe aria have january sales too but i wasnt sure if they are the kinda place that do. i suppose they'll always be something new coming out and the only way to be ahead is to always be spending :P
NEVER buy computer components in january.


I have been foolish enough to do so now twice, each time an entire computer.

The components will halve in price by May, believe me.

I paid £240 for a radeon 9800pro in january 2004. By summer they were £120 delievered.