want to swap mobos to the pcie one. both have nvidia drivers. whats best way
to do this and save winxp. Thanks
to do this and save winxp. Thanks
Last time I switched mobos,I went into device manager and deleted all moboPeter said:I tried to make a boot disk with sp2 but it wont boot so all i have is old
xp without sps and it probably wont work for a repair if I need it.
http://www.winsupersite.com/showcase/windowsxp_sp2_slipstream.asp thanks
dawg said:Last time I switched mobos,I went into device manager and deleted all mobo
hardware including IDE ,floppy references. Also deleted all mobo
the bios set to default.Worked fine.I can't guarantee it always works
though. It did take awhile to reinsatll everything afterwards though.Maybe
Peter said:had to reg win again but its good.