Next time some MS fanboy says your problems with Vista are your fault, point them to this ZDNet arti

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Rock bands have groupies. Politicians and Movie Stars do. There's a
special kind of moron called a MS fanboy. They're groupies too. These
low intelligence idiots are easy to spot. They all worship Microsoft.
They all like to pretend how wonderful and problem free Vista is. One
particularly stupid fanboy called Frank says Vista is the best OS
ever. I beg to differ. So does just about everyone in the IT industry.
That's why over 84% of businesses have given Vista the cold shoulder
and haven't and won't upgrade.

You'll hear MS fanboys say all software has bugs. That's true. The
difference with Microsoft is they call a bloated bug riddled pile of
crap a "finished" product and ship it out the door to unsuspecting
customers knowing it's loaded with bugs that will cause many misery.

You would think MS groupies would be upset their object of worship is
so deceptive. No, they will accuse you the end user of being stupid.
They will tell you that you didn't install Vista correctly or your
install isn't properly configured or try to pedal some other baloney
always ending it whatever your problem's your fault.

Ready for the truth?

The sad fact there is no such thing as a problem free version of
Windows. Microsoft is well aware of this and offers something they
call a Service Pack. A after the fact band-aid approach. The point to
take away from reading this post is how screwed-up the SHIPPED version
of Vista originally was.

Ready? SP1 addresses a staggering 551 bugs. Some groveling
bootlicking fanboy will try to spin this to claim how wonderful it is
for Microsoft to "fix" so many errors. Smart people understand
Microsoft allowed the original Vista to ship with hundreds of bugs
causing untold suffering, misery and wasted time for their customers.

Have a look:

The question is how many more bugs are still lurking in Vista?
The real #1 idiot moron loser wrote:

doing some brief calculations, vista has cost the world a trillion dollars
in delay of work-time do to trying to get the shit to work.