Hello everyone..
I currently own a Radeon 9000 and I love it.. it's almost tempting to get
the 9800XT right now but I want to hold off because I know even if I
purchase that card and I start plaing Half Life 2 and i'm only getting like
60fps with max settings (I have a 17" LCD so I wanna play at 1280x1024)..
that'll be kinda disappointing seeing how I just purchased a $500 card.. so
what I want to know is when are the new line of Radeons gonna be available?
9900 or 10000? I don't know if that'll be their names but I think I'll wait
and get one of those to get the most out of my beloved HL2 and even better
I currently own a Radeon 9000 and I love it.. it's almost tempting to get
the 9800XT right now but I want to hold off because I know even if I
purchase that card and I start plaing Half Life 2 and i'm only getting like
60fps with max settings (I have a 17" LCD so I wanna play at 1280x1024)..
that'll be kinda disappointing seeing how I just purchased a $500 card.. so
what I want to know is when are the new line of Radeons gonna be available?
9900 or 10000? I don't know if that'll be their names but I think I'll wait
and get one of those to get the most out of my beloved HL2 and even better