Next If Help

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I'm trying to create a nested if forumla on the following data.

A2 = Mo Service
B2 = Max Annual

Months of Service Maxium Annual
0-59 months 225 hrs.
60-119 months 277.50 hrs.
120-179 months 337.50 hrs.
180-239 months 390 hrs.

If the Max Annual >225 and <60 Mo Service, "Over"
277.5 and <120
337.5 and <180
390 and <240

How do I create a nested if on the above information?


Paul not clear what complete result you are trying to achieve:
Presumably these are hours -
277.5 and <120
337.5 and <180
390 and <240
But you give no indication what result you are expecting if the above
statements are true or what you expect if they are false !!
Also so that a formula can be crated relevant to your worksheet, in which
colums/rows are your data held. Presumably you have a column of names
alongside a column containing the months of service (and the months of
service column contains formulae relative to 'today' so that the 'months of
service' is updated daily)?
The formula would be something like:

If the B2>225 and A1<60, If B2 >277.5 and A2 <120, If B2 >337.5 and A2<180,
If B2 >390 and A2<240

If B2 is > then A1 the reply would be something like "over".

A blank cell would be ok if B2 is < A1.

Sorry for the confussion,
