Next highest whole number

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How would I take a value from a calculation and adjust it to be the next
highest whole number?

For example:

20 * 8.888 = 177.776 / 4 = 44.444

The 44.444 needs to be to the next highest whole number. So then I can take
the 44.444 which would be 45 and multiply that by my next part of the
calculation to get a whole number no decimals.

Make sense?

Thanks in advance.
I guess I didn't make myself very clear. I know about the round function but
that's not exactly what I'm looking for. In looking through some functions, I
found the int function. I need to to round to the nearest whole integer. So
if I had a range of numbers from 44.100 - 44.999 then I would want it to go
to 45 regardless of decimal.

Look in Access Help for the Round() function

How would I take a value from a calculation and adjust it to be the next
highest whole number?
[quoted text clipped - 11 lines]
Thanks in advance.
just write a function to do this. it would be easy.

if int(yourval) <> yourval then yourval = int(yourval)+1

I guess I didn't make myself very clear. I know about the round function but
that's not exactly what I'm looking for. In looking through some functions, I
found the int function. I need to to round to the nearest whole integer. So
if I had a range of numbers from 44.100 - 44.999 then I would want it to go
to 45 regardless of decimal.

Look in Access Help for the Round() function

How would I take a value from a calculation and adjust it to be the next
highest whole number?
[quoted text clipped - 11 lines]
Thanks in advance.

Charles E. Vopicka's (Chuck) : (e-mail address removed)

Database Management, GIS Specialist and Research Assistant

Forest Biometrics Research Institute
University of Montana - College of Forestry and Conservation
Missoula, MT 59812
United States of America

(406)549-0647 (Home)


"UNLESS" (The Lorax, by Dr. Seuss)
Try this instead:


klp via said:
I guess I didn't make myself very clear. I know about the round function but
that's not exactly what I'm looking for. In looking through some functions, I
found the int function. I need to to round to the nearest whole integer. So
if I had a range of numbers from 44.100 - 44.999 then I would want it to go
to 45 regardless of decimal.

Look in Access Help for the Round() function

How would I take a value from a calculation and adjust it to be the next
highest whole number?
[quoted text clipped - 11 lines]
Thanks in advance.
klp via said:
I guess I didn't make myself very clear. I know about the round function
that's not exactly what I'm looking for. In looking through some
functions, I
found the int function. I need to to round to the nearest whole integer.
if I had a range of numbers from 44.100 - 44.999 then I would want it to
to 45 regardless of decimal.

45 ISN'T the nearest whole integer to 44.100. 44 is. To actually round
to the nearest integer, use

Int(n + .5) where n is a non-negative number.

Tom Lake
First, read the header Next HIGHEST Number
Next, if you use his example of 44.444 wanting it to be 45 (Next HIGHEST

Int(44.444 + .5) returns 44
Klatuu said:
First, read the header Next HIGHEST Number
Next, if you use his example of 44.444 wanting it to be 45 (Next HIGHEST

My interpretation is, assuming three fixed decimal places, that:

· values from -44.999 to -44.100 inclusive round to -45;
· values from -44.099 to -44.000 inclusive round to -44;
· values from 44.000 to 44.099 inclusive round to 44;
· values from 44.100 to 44.999 inclusive round to 45.


SELECT 44.099 AS yourval,
+ IIF(
ABS(yourval - FIX(yourval)) BETWEEN 0.100 AND 0.999,
IIF(yourval < 0, -1, 1),
) AS yourval_rounded

