Here is the code.
Sub AllCostCenters()
' Run all cost center SGAs
Dim Company As Variant
A = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,
19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39,
40, 41, 42, 44, 58, 59, 60)
For Each Company In A
GoTo Begin:
'Local currency
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = Company
'Application.Goto Reference:="Retrieve1"
'Application.Run Macro:="EssMenuRetrieve"
'Application.Goto Reference:="Retrieve2"
'Application.Run Macro:="EssMenuRetrieve"
Sheets("Point in Time").Select
Sheets("Point in Time").Copy before:=Sheets("Input")
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone,
SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Sheets("Point in Time (2)").Activate
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "1" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "All Cost Centers"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "2" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "105 UK Sales Development"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "3" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "106 UK Sales North"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "4" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "107 UK Sales South"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "5" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "108 UK Direct Sales"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "6" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "109 UK EPPS"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "7" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "110 Germany Sales"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "8" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "111 Germany Sales Develop"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "9" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "115 Spain Sales"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "10" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "120 Italy Sales"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "11" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "125 Portugal Sales"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "12" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "130 Iberica Sales Develop"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "13" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "140 European Marketing"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "14" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "205 UK Operations"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "15" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "206 UK Collections"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "16" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "207 UK Risk"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "17" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "210 Germany Operations"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "18" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "215 Spain Operations"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "19" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "300 Lux Finance"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "20" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "305 UK Finance"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "21" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "400 Lux IT"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "22" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "401 IT Development"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "23" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "402 ICDS"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "24" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "405 UK IT"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "25" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "500 Lux HR Services"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "26" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "505 UK HR Services"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "27" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "650 Legal"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "28" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "700 Wholesale Lux"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "29" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "701 Whlsl Inv Verif"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "30" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "702 Wholesale Germany"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "31" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "703 Wholesale UK"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "32" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "704 Wholesale Spain"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "33" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "705 Wholesale Italy"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "34" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "706 Wholesale France"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "35" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "800 Administration Lux"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "38" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "Sales"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "39" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "Operations"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "40" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "Finance and IT"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "41" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "Administration"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "42" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "HR Services"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "44" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "Wholesale"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "58" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "UK Cost Centers"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "59" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "LUX Cost Centers"
End If
If Sheets("DataLists").Range("B8").Value = "60" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "Spain Cost Centers"
End If
Next Company
End Sub