Next Cell Question

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How do I have VB6 find the next empty cell in a row. I know there are 7
cells so after cell 7 is full it drops down to the next row and starts
over ?
if isempty(xlApp.activecell.offset(0,1)) then
set cell = xlApp.ActiveCell.offset(0,1)
set cell = xlApp.ActiveCell.end(xltoRight)(1,2)
End if
if cell.column > 7 then
set cell = cells(cell.row,1)
End if
You gave me just what I asked for, trouble is, I don't know
how to use it :/

This is my code. What I want to put in the cells is

ActiveSheet.Range("F11") = Form1.Label1.Caption

I don't know where to put it.
I'm getting an error : " Object Required "

Sub EmpRecord()

Dim FileNamePath As String
Dim FileName As String
Dim S1 As Excel.Worksheet

Dim EmpNumber As String
Dim EmpName As String
Dim EName As String
Dim SheetName As String
Dim EmpRecord As String

EmpRecord = Form1.Readout
EmpName = ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 2)

ActiveSheet.Range("A10") = Format(Now, "Short Date")

If IsEmpty(xlApp.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1)) Then <----- This is
where the error is
Set Cell = xlApp.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1)
Set Cell = xlApp.ActiveCell.End(xlToRight)(1, 2)

End If
If Cell.Column > 7 Then
Set Cell = Cells(Cell.Row, 1)
End If

ActiveSheet.Range("F11") = Form1.Label1.Caption

Form1.Readout2 = Format("Employee Name : " + EmpName) & vbCrLf & _
Format("Employee Number : " + EmpRecord) & vbCrLf & _
Format("Time : " + Form1.Label1.Caption)
Form1.Readout = ""

Call Form1.CloseBook

End Sub


Thanks for your help. I do appreciate it.
you said you were doing it from VB6, so xlapp is a reference to the excel
application. If you haven't established one, then it will cause an error
since it is an undefined variable - if you have, then replace xlapp with the
variable that holds that reference (you don't show any in your sample code).

Based on your code, there is no indication of where you are trying to find
the next blank cell. You give no starting point from which you are looking
for the next blank cell.

Sorry, but I can't determine what you need.
Ok, that was that problem. Thanks, I didn’t see that.
It runs now, but it’s not putting the info in the cell.
The first cell if "F11". It is a VB6 program putting the results of a
question in an excel sheet. The Information going into the cell it the

Did I tell you I'm VERY new to VB ..... Self taught, can you tell? No
professional training what so ever.

Thanks for your help !!

Sub EmpRecord()

Dim FileNamePath As String
Dim FileName As String
Dim S1 As Excel.Worksheet

Dim EmpNumber As String
Dim EmpName As String
Dim EName As String
Dim SheetName As String
Dim EmpRecord As String

EmpRecord = Form1.Readout
EmpName = ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 2)

ActiveSheet.Range("A10") = Format(Now, "Short Date")

If IsEmpty(m_XLApp.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1)) Then
Set Cell = m_XLApp.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1)
Set Cell = m_XLApp.ActiveCell.End(xlToRight)(1, 2)

End If
If Cell.Column > 7 Then
Set Cell = Cells(Cell.Row, 1)
End If


Form1.Readout2 = Format("Employee Name : " + EmpName) & vbCrLf & _
Format("Employee Number : " + EmpRecord) & vbCrLf & _
Format("Time : " + Form1.Label1.Caption)
Form1.Readout = ""

Call Form1.CloseBook

End Sub

Find the next empty cell starting with F11, look only in columns A to G

Dim cell as Excel.Range, cell1 as Excel.Range
With xlapp.ActiveSheet
If isempty(.Range("F11")) or isempty(.Range("G11")) then
if isempty(.Range("F11")) then
set cell = .Range("F11")
set cell = .Range("G11")
end if
for each cell1 in .Range("A12:G20")
if isempty(cell1) then
set cell = cell1
Exit For
end if
End if
End With
cell.Value = Form1.Label1.Caption
This worked out Great !!
Thank you Very Much !!


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