There is something wrong with this code I found, for a next box.
I get an error, frontpage needs to close.
<input type="button" value="Next"
It makes a grey box with Next on it.
Looks like there is too many "' . But, I am using it in a css linked page.
Is it not a good idea to use this, is it better to use <a
href="http://www.mysitehere.htm">Click for the next page</a>
Thank you,
I get an error, frontpage needs to close.
<input type="button" value="Next"
It makes a grey box with Next on it.
Looks like there is too many "' . But, I am using it in a css linked page.
Is it not a good idea to use this, is it better to use <a
href="http://www.mysitehere.htm">Click for the next page</a>
Thank you,