MLC said:
Yes. I've read that maybe it writes in the registry which browser you choose
to open the links, but I'm not sure about it because my default is IE6.
I remember to have monitored my install with Total Uninstall and then to
have deleted that record because there was no meaningful change in the
registry. Now, to be sure, I've searched my registry for "40tude", "Dialog",
and alike. Found nothing.
Dialog, and most newsreaders, do not write which browser to use to
registry, they read from registry what browser is set up as default
When you start a web browser you often see a question:
"Do you want to use this browser as your default web browser?"
If you answer yes it will write into the registry the settings which makes
that web browser start every time you click on an url link, and every time
another program wants to use a web browser.
So, the news program does not decide what web browser to use, it uses the
web browser you have installed as the default web browser.
If you want to change the web browser it uses you have to start your web
browser, and reply yes to that question, or go into the settings of the web
browser and tell it to set itself up as the default browser.
There are exceptions, some newsreaders have settings in the program for
which browser to use, but most programs simply use the default browser in
the operating system.