Alicia Marshall said:
Thanks but ancestry gives little help on technical computer problems.
The problem is likely not with the computer, but with the *software they
require*. So Ancestry is the place to start; they may have support forums.
That said, it may also be of no help whatsoever, and you may have very few
For example, I've recently been through trying to deal with the manufacturer
of a major online-learning tool - in fact, the industry leader, the one that
owns the patents - and with helpdesks at various universities, trying to
figure out why *some few* laptops can't send mail more than a few lines
long using their systems. Yet, other laptops with the same software
configuration on the same network have no problem.
None of them had any clue as to why these problems happened. The
manufacturer's best (and only) advice was to "reinstall Java", though it is
demonstrably unrelated to the problem. After reporting there was no
effect, support ended.
(In case it's helpful, the workround was to set up a server system, log in
with Remote Desktop, and use that remote account to access the University
system. Works great, just slower).
So, in the end, you may simply have to use another system, as he problem may
have nothing to do with either the software or Vista.
But the place to start is with Ancestry support.