Milly Staples said:
PFs are being migrated to SharePoint and NNTP is on its deathbed, to
listen to some.
Again, one of MS's endless force em to upgrade deals. And no I'm not
starting a flame MS thread. All the software houses do it. This is where we
want to go with this, and you are going to have to upgrade whether you like
it or not. I always like the public folders. But then again, my old company
was an Exchange 5 house, so.....
What is slated to replace NNTP then? RSS or something of that nature? I am a
firm believer in the "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" camp. But hey, who
knows the replacement just may be better. Just hope it will be better than
the marginal increases in functionality so prevalent now days. Good example
is OE vs. WLM. To be honest the eye candy upgrade sucks, but that is just
for me. Perhaps it is because I am so used to the look and feel of OE. The
only real functionality improvement I can discern is the ability to choose
to top or bottom post, and the safety options I guess. They even took a step
backwards, when the removed the Block Sender functionality as implemented in
OE. And again, MS is not the only house that is doing this. Seems like
everyone wants to take 2 step forwards, and one step back. Maybe I'm just
getting overly picky in my old