Thanks for the reply. I am now accessing the newsgroups via Outlook Express
and all seems OK. However prior to today, I used IE6 to access the groups (I
wont any more as I thought outlook express would be quite slow synchronizing
the mails, but its pretty quick.) when I browse out to
http://msdn.microsoft.com/newsgroups/managed/ some groups show as 'News
group unavailable' where the posts normally appear. Also on some groups I
see the posts but after paging through the first 2 pages or so I again get
the 'Newsgroup Unavailable'.
I have just had a quick look at the groups through IE and get the error on:
dotnet.general - can page through 2 pages and then get the Newsgroup
dotnet.framework - Newsgroup unavailable
dotnet.framework.adonet - Newsgroup unavailable
dotnet.framework.aspnet - After 1 page Newsgroup unavailable
dotnet.framework.aspnet.buildingcontrols - after 1 page Newsgroup
dotnet.framework.aspnet.caching - seems OK can page etc.
dotnet.framework.aspnet.dayagridcontrol - seems OK
dotnet.framework.aspnet.mobile - seems OK
dotnet.framework.aspnet.security - Newsgroup unavailable
dotnet.framework.aspnet.webcontrols - seems OK
dotnet.framework.aspnet.webservices - seems OK
dotnet.framework.interop - Newsgroup unavailable
dotnet.framework.odbcnet - Newsgroup unavailable
dotnet.framework.sdk - Newsgroup unavailable
dotnet.framework.windowsforms - seems OK
dotnet.framework.windowsforms.controls - seems OK
dotnet.framework.windowsforms.databinding - Newsgroup unavailable
dotnet.framework.windowsforms.design - seems OK
win32.programmer.wmi - Newsgroup unavailable
Odd isn't it.
King Regards, Pete.