Make OL yr default email client, Ensure you set no accounts in OE.
It is not neccessary to start OE to access the newsreader; to start news,
either frm OL View/Go To/News or
frm IE Tools/Mail & News/Read News
Why set no accounts in Outlook Express? Didnt you know that when Outlook is
set as your default "newsreader", it uses whatever the default Windows
newsreader is to have newsreader capabilities? In most cases, this is
Outlook Express. That's right: Outlook has no native newsreader
capabilities of its own, unless you are connected using a Microsoft Exchange
By the way, to use Outlook Express in "news only" mode, add "/newsonly" to
the commandline of the shortcut you use to launch Outlook Express, or set
Outlook as your "default newsreader" (which actually uses Outlook Express in
"newsonly" mode if Outlook Express is set as your default Windows
Donald L McDaniel