News of the World To Close


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
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Story HERE

I should think so too. It's been an absolute disgrace.

168 years of history gone.

However, I'm sure it will reappear somehow under another guise.
Thre are a couple of other newspapers that should also follow in their footsteps.:D
Are you really surprised?

It will end up being the Sun on Sunday or something like that i bet you...
Manchester United are having an extra party tonight in some seedy Manchester in the knowledge that they can do what they want..:D
They wouldn't have lasted 168 years unless people bought their rag and they were thus able to sell advertising space.

If there's a legal market, somebody will exploit it to make money. You could almost not blame the NOW hacks but instead the public who bought the sleazy organ. The people who took the NOW as their favoured 'news source' generally were not in possession of a high IQ.

My Grandad used to buy the NOW, my dad wouldn't allow it in the house, lol

I can remember my parents snatching the paper away from me after I started reading it when I was about 5 or 6 cos it had some expose or other about Diana Dors.

You're all going 'Who Dat?' :D

Their reinventing themselves under a new name couldn't possibly have anything to do with the revelations they hacked any telephone they saw fit to hack could it?

Oh dear.

To all you NOW/SunOnSunday employees, I hope the wheels fall off your car, you swallow a bluebottle with your porridge and you suffer at least an ingrown toenail. Why? For you are scum, that's why :)
Yep you wouldn't want to mess with Big Diana..Had a wicked temper on her if I remember rightly..:drool:
And on and on and on...

So Rupert Murdoch is now taking a hand to sort out the whole sorry mess.

Rupert Murdoch is the man solely responsible for convincing the general public they should pay to watch television at a time when, apart from the BBC's licence fee, TV was free.

Our anitpodean gold digger wasn't content with advertising revenue, he wanted your money as well boys and girls which is why you pay for that Sky Box today.

You've probably gathered that Uncle Flops is none too fond of our Rupert.
And on and on and on...

So Rupert Murdoch is now taking a hand to sort out the whole sorry mess.

Rupert Murdoch is the man solely responsible for convincing the general public they should pay to watch television at a time when, apart from the BBC's licence fee, TV was free.

Our anitpodean gold digger wasn't content with advertising revenue, he wanted your money as well boys and girls which is why you pay for that Sky Box today.

You've probably gathered that Uncle Flops is none too fond of our Rupert.

What you have to remember Mr Flopp's is that the brainwashed general public out there let him do it..
I still will not have anything to do with Sky tv because of that!
I think Mr Murdoch has shot his bolt on this one I don't think he will get B Sky B or what ever it is called as one after the revelations of the last week could hardly be called a fit and proper person as the NOTW was out of control for so long, I believe he should and his cooperation should be banned from owning any news organization in the UK whether TV or newspapers.

I also suspect that was a large amount of phone tapping by other red tops and their ownership also be in question. The other problem is also the police involvement or lack of it because of the power of NI and the bribes paid to the police and them turning a blind eye. There is a BIG question about the politicians especially after the expenses scandal wether the majority of them should be trusted, as they run the fabric of society how far down is our system of society now corrupt as far as government, big business and we know how corrupt the banks are. And this was once a great Country not any more I fear and I for one once served this Country and was a proud to have done so, now I hang my head in shame to seem my Country stoop so low by its leadership. AND WE STILL HAVE BOYS AND GIRLS DYING FOR OUR FLAG and it is disgracefull
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What you have to remember Mr Flopp's is that the brainwashed general public out there let him do it..
I still will not have anything to do with Sky tv because of that!

I have Sky

I am not brainwashed.

I have Sky because it provides a service I want

To all you NOW/SunOnSunday employees, I hope the wheels fall off your car, you swallow a bluebottle with your porridge and you suffer at least an ingrown toenail. Why? For you are scum, that's why :)

How can you have so much hate for people you don't even know? You never had to buy it and you never had to read it. If people wanted to do that than it’s their choice and you cannot hate them just because they don't have the same opinion as you.

If there's a legal market, somebody will exploit it to make money. You could almost not blame the NOW hacks but instead the public who bought the sleazy organ. The people who took the NOW as their favoured 'news source' generally were not in possession of a high IQ.


Oh and as recent new stories have told us the News of the World had the highest ABC1 demographic of any paper. A few interesting quotes:

"ABC1 readers (better educated, better paid, better placed in managerial jobs)"

"News of the World's post-hacking 2,926,000 ABC1 readership outdistances the Sunday Times and is more than the Sunday Telegraph, Observer and Independent on Sunday count of the educated classes put together."

I think Mr Murdoch has shot his bolt on this one I don't think he will get B Sky B or what ever it is called as one after the revelations of the last week could hardly be called a fit and proper person as the NOTW was out of control for so long, I believe he should and his cooperation should be banned from owning any news organization in the UK whether TV or newspapers.

Well, this is supposedly a free country so I doubt that will happen, which is probably a good thing.

Free rein to express views and run businesses within the law, freedom, is our foundation and that's a freedom my father and many generation before his fought for. I don't wholeheartedly agree with that summisation actually, but that's what we're fed and there is a grain of truth in it.

bootneck02 said:
I also suspect that was a large amount of phone tapping by other red tops and their ownership also be in question. The other problem is also the police involvement or lack of it because of the power of NI and the bribes paid to the police and them turning a blind eye. There is a BIG question about the politicians especially after the expenses scandal wether the majority of them should be trusted, as they run the fabric of society how far down is our system of society now corrupt as far as government, big business and we know how corrupt the banks are. And this was once a great Country not any more I fear and I for one once served this Country and was a proud to have done so, now I hang my head in shame to seem my Country stoop so low by its leadership. AND WE STILL HAVE BOYS AND GIRLS DYING FOR OUR FLAG and it is disgracefull

This view by people of a certain age annoys me, it's an age thing, I'm sure. When you were 19 years old, Mr Bootneck, the 63 year old guy would probably have expressed exactly the same point of view against your then generation.

In actual fact newspaper corruption, bribery and downright shameless breaking the law was rife in the forties, fifties, and sixties, more so than it is now. There were times when newspaper hacks interviewed serial killers and paid them money, Christie being a point in case, and then not divulge their whereabouts to the law.

Because of that laws were introduced to stop these practices which the current NOW seems to have fallen foul of.

In that respect the situation today is far far better than it was 40 years ago so far from being ashamed of your country and hanging your head in shame you should be proud that this generation has more mettle, more backbone, more sense of right and wrong than their ancestors from forty or fifty years ago.

As for our young dying in foreign conflicts which most participants have little idea about why they're dying and fighting there, nothing has changed there then. And unless mankind manages to elevate himself beyond primitive, which is doubtful, then in 100, 200, years time tthe situation will probably be the same.

Saddam Hussein was not a nice man. But it wasn't our fight. the oil and political situation however, was worth us getting involved in and seeing British blood shed, according to Tony Blair and his team of spook advisors. And there were no weapons of mass destruction. Our young are still dying in Iraq and Afghanistan for partly political reasons and for the ongoing backlash against 9/11 & 7/7. Oh, and Bali.

If any Western Nation was truly concerned with democracy and helping a foreign country without seeing any economical or political gain then they would go and sort out the situation in Somalia for a start, stop the civil way and piracy. But no, nothing to gain, you see.

When I was younger I worked as a newspaper reporter for almost four years and I witnessed first hand what the NOW have been caught at. I even done that sort of thing myself, I made many phone calls purporting to be a CID sergeant from Streatham police station or wherever, I bluffed my way into buildings and lots of other misdemeanours. People are gullible. They're not so gullible now, incidentally, as they were in 1970.

I sometimes got bored on the night shift at Fleet Street so I'd take out Kellys Directory and a street map and pinpoint residences near a railway line. Then, at 3am, I'd phone people and tell them there had been a rail crash at the bottom of their garden and would they be so kind as to go and have a look and give me an eye witness account? 'You'll have your name in The Daily Mirror tomorrow Sir'.

Why? Cos at 3am I was bored and it always fascinated me how foolish some people are/were.

Being a hard news reporter I think sometimes needs more skill than a CID police detective, mostly because you don't have the same resources as the police do. But it's a rotten business to be in. I love writing but hard news stories are not about writing, they're about gathering information by whatever means possible, fair or foul, then handing them to a sub-editor to actually write.

Which is why I got out and thought I'd rather do something more productive.

So, to sum up, the press situation was worse then than it is now, so do not hang your head in shame, be proud that later generations than ours possess grit and integrity.

Oh, hang on, they also have the X factor and Big Brother type stuff don't they? Hmmm....
How can you have so much hate for people you don't even know? You never had to buy it and you never had to read it. If people wanted to do that than it’s their choice and you cannot hate them just because they don't have the same opinion as you.

Hate? Wheels fall off? Swallow a bluebottle? Ingrown toenail?

Lol, I'm sure if there was hatred involved I could dream up some much more nasty sufferings than that.

Where's your sense of humour squire? ;)

And it's not an opinion, it's the sleazy way in which they go about ruining people's lives and publishing blatant lies, the total disregard they have for people's privacy, many of those people grieving as in the case of relatives of those killed in the 7/7 bombings. They are scum, no two ways about it.

And in a way those who read the crap they print are almost as bad.

And as it happens I did have to read it, at one time it was part of my job, I even imitated their style sometimes. Which is why I changed professions, it is not an honourable pursuit to make a few bob imo.

But I haven't bought a newspaper or watched TV since around 1995, something I should have done years before. I watched my daughters watching Big brother or some other 'virtual reality' tosh, looked at the newspaper headlines and screamed 'No more!' and that's a promise I've kept to myself.

And I don't like sport so I'm missing nothing there. If a pub advertises 'Sky Sport on big TV Screen' then that's a pub I avoid.

If you want to pay good money to watch a load of tosh and overpaid tossers with sponsorship from iffy companies such as Mesh on their strip kick a ball about then fair play mister, it's just not for me.

What did 1966 mean to me? It was the year 'Revolver' was released. I honestly never realised England had won the World Cup. Truth.

I do like films though, I watch those, but television? Pass.
I have Sky

I am not brainwashed.

I have Sky because it provides a service I want.

Sky would provide the services that I want to, but you couldn't pay me to give Rupert Murdoch a penny. He is scum personified.

We consumers have but one power, and that is to vote with our feet. If you don't like something, you don't buy it.

If you buy something from Sky you cannot complain about Murdoch, in the same way you can't buy everything off the internet and then complain all of the high street shops are going bust.

You can do as you please, obviously, and I am not intending to preach at you. We all think differently.

As for the NOTW, good riddance. Immoral, terrible, rule breaking, sh!t stirring filth written for the perennially thick.
Hi Flops.
I take it from your missive that you don`t like the "News of the World" news paper,or it`s sister papers.
I for the first,and last time,in my life bought the last issue on Sunday. I have never ever bought it ever,it did not appeal to me or it`s sister papers. But looking through the last one,the only thing I found of interest was the review of the past issues. The very first one of 1st Oct 1846 very much so.